
Just came to say again that the term “re-homed” is a genius piece of marketing speak. Sales loves it, and are moving forward with the new terminology. The boys on the 8th floor are all getting raises this year.

He looks like William because he’s bald.

Probably a side door exit, since she looks anticipatory here.

Because she’s an affluent, white, British woman, and they’re all obsessed with this ginned-up war against womanhood that TERFs invented to spread their bigotry. It’s a whole thing over there; I think Jezebel has an article or two about TERFism in the UK if you want to know a little more.

It is extremely fallacious reasoning made insidious by both recentering and reframing a narrative that doesn’t belong to them to themselves.  It is an exceptional example of bad faith argument.

I understand the sentiment (and think she’s a horrible, HORRIBLE person doing horrible things), but deliberately misgendering someone is super shitty no matter why.  We can be better than they are.

Thank you!

since being elected to Congress in 1988.

There are many times when a celeb speaks up about something and I think “oh yes, there is a reason why these people are paid big money to read other people’s words off a page and not their own”

I don’t pretend to know what the answer here is. There is maybe some merit in Ellen not taking up that space in this moment though. Black America has the stage.  I don’t want to give the mic to a rich white woman so that I can then read bullshit headlines about who’s boycotting her show.

These cops were also so fucking stupid that they left CNN’s camera running for over an hour while they were arresting Jimenez and his crew.  

#4- He’s on a nice farm upstate, where he can run free with the other Spectrum Children.

This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.

Oh, I didn’t mean to imply he was in the wrong or that he was committing an act of aggression simply by filming. I just wouldn't be surprised if he politely asked her to leash the dog and she responded like a complete jerk and that's what prompted him to start filming for protection. 

She must have been acting like an ass before he started filming. Why would he randomly film asking her to leash the dog?

Many of the comments I’ve seen focus solely on the dog or the dog is the primary concern (“That poor dog is being choked! And too bad about the guy.”) The suffering of the dog is not the result of anything intentional, the woman is distracted by her own racist BS, but what she’s doing to Christian Cooper is decidedly

My strategy, if I feel threatened by someone, is to run while screaming for help, not to start yelling at them and standing still while calling the police. Because no cop is going to show up faster than that person can assault me, especially in the Central Park Ramble. She wasn’t on a street corner. The Central Park

That’s not the worst apology I’ve ever seen (low bar), but the bit about her privilege blinding her to the fact that for some other groups the police are not just a benign protection agency is patent bullshit. She makes a point of saying to this guy that she is going to call the police and tell them an “African

This is tangentially related at best. Just let this video speak for itself and don’t use it to prop up other agendas.

A protection agency? Like for white people?