
It’s actually incredibly self-destructive. If you start with an insecure narcissist and then put him in a gigantic & very lonely castle, he will ultimately need be kept company & reassured of his genius. Now the full-time, good for nothing, hangers on begin to become a regular presence (along with their cocaine).

I could never rise to Monica Lewinsky’s level of magnanimity.

If I win $70 million in LottoMax, I will move to a nicer house. However, it won't be a gigantic house and it won't be ostentatious.  I'm not against living well, but I can't stand it when insecure narcissists feel the need to impress everyone.  "Trumpian" - you hit the nail on the head right there. 

On the one hand, this article was in the works for a long time and had probably already been sent to the presses (and possibly even processed for mailing) before everything got shut down.

Trumpian levels of vulgarity and excess.

What better place to move to to escape intrusive tabloids and the white-hot glare of the media spotlight than Los Angeles.

Americans and even the common British dont really have a clue about how constrained by hidebound tradition the fish bowl of royal life is so she really had a culture shock beyond what she expected.

Funds that will likely be shut off rather quickly when his brother becomes king.

President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama bring being the leaders of the USA for 8 years to the table as well as being best selling authors, the Gates have years of running a multi billion dollar global company and charitable organization. What exactly do these two bring in comparison? Harry is a rather

Harry seems like a nice guy, but Meghan must have really loved that dude to willingly get herself mixed up with the complete and utter dumpster fire that is the British monarchy. 


Solidly agree 

It’s disgusting that the small, independent businesses were all first to send me e-mails about “making the difficult but responsible decision” to temporarily shut down and make assurances they would pay their staff. Only when local and state government gave orders to shut down did chain stores take losses or show any

Do you know that this guy’s net worth is almost three billion dollars...? He wouldn’t have a penny of that without his workers. I think he/the company should have offered some sort of part -wage stipend for a few months at least, and perhaps at least offered health insurance for even the part-time/contractors- which

This is why you need a union.

when does the violence begin? when are the guillotines rolled out? when do the voiceless, powerless, trodden upon masses rise up?

...an impersonal video emailed to employees around the globe and conference call link for a select few seems like a particularly heartless way to break the news to the thousands of people Lamarre refers to as “family.”

I’d pay $50 to watch a livestream of tiny acrobats kicking the shit out of Daniel Lamarre.

Honestly, I’d pay $35/ticket for them to just live-stream a performance if that helped them keep their jobs. I’d probably pay more than that. This is just...so sad.

More videos with him, please.