
Must be if they are already back writing it.

Loving iZombie, and I'm saying this as someone who is a particular fan of neither zombies nor crime procedurals and, thus, didn't expect to watch more than an episode or two. I hope it finds a bigger audience.

Hope you get to watch it before next season. Last week's episode was epic.

Please let this be so!!! I gave up on ASOIAF after one book because, while the plot and characters were good, as in the show, the writing itself wasn't my thing. It would be nice to be able to discuss the show on purely television-related websites (as opposed to Goodreads) without having to hear about the books. No TV


Sure. Half the country (the half I live in, where, honestly, Chick-Fil-A was never a market force) was protesting, and the other half was supportive. Also, you know, waffle fries.

Had to love how he made sure we knew the guy had a family. That said, I still hated him. THAT said, it had a very Susan-and-the-toxic-envelopes feel to me. The show is usually more surprising.

Is Louie on Netflix? He's not on Hulu currently.

I hope so too. I'm still bitter about life from the Mindy cancellation, I guess (though she's coming back) and don't believe things will go my way.

This is at least the fourth time this season I've wished Louie would tell someone off when he, instead, just quietly agreed with the person who was telling him he was a jerk (the potluck hostess, the shopkeeper, his daughter with her phone, and the comedian). But this time, the guy died. It was cathartic, in a way.

I've been to Oklahoma City. It was perfectly nice, and the people were perfectly nice, but man, there was a line down the block at Chick-fil-A just at the moment when half the country was protesting Chick-fil-A because their owners had said they didn't like homosexuals, so that made me judge them a little. Could be

Do we know it's coming back in 2016? 8 episodes, falling ratings, no news of renewal. Love the show and not trying to be negative. Just concerned.

There was that awful woman who hosted the pot luck and, for that matter, the surrogate on the same show wasn't exactly a rocket scientist.

"Lilly's" age is listed on IMDB. For "Jane," I was going by a year-old article which mentioned that she was 10 in May, 2014 (and learned the interesting fact that she actually does study violin at Juillard).

According to IMDB, the actress who plays Lilly is 15, but I doubt the character is supposed to be. The Jane actress is 11, but again, she's probably supposed to be younger.

The real joke is it's probably spelled Aphganyst'anne or something.

Like Bobby thinks.

No, I specifically noticed that they only warned about "language" for this episode. I thought the tits conversation was more along the lines of "adult themes," though.

Matthew Broderick is currently in It's Only a Play. I saw it a few months ago, and I was trying to remember whether the speech was from that. The character was such a typical Matthew Broderick character that I really couldn't say. The episode was obviously filmed pretty recently, as Louie and Lilly walk past the St.

The Grinder starring Fred Savage. Really.