El Oso Peligroso

I wish people would take a broader view, because this case doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The head of the FBI had said for years they want a backdoor into every phone, period. The tech companies have resisted, because intentionally building weaknesses into your security will almost certainly be exploited by hackers. And

I, too, will be playing bloodborne. I’ve been playing it since launch though...

Demon’s Souls is less sluggish than Dark Souls. Well, depending somewhat on your armor but if you’re in light armor you can roll like a boss.

Demon’s Souls is not the best in the series by a long shot (it’s only maaayyybe better than DS2) but DS1 and Bloodborne are both definitely better. I mean, you should definitely play it if you like Souls games, but nearly everyone who says it’s the best is a hipster trying to prove that their taste is better than

It’s definitely nostalgia more than anything that makes me want to play it again. I never thought FF9 had the best battle system to begin with compared to other games in the series, but it had a great story. And while I don’t know when the last time you played it was, the random encounters are probably worse than you

Man, that first time you see the Prydwin is super cool though. Shame that only lasted 30 seconds.

The only thing that did it for me was ignoring everything (quests, settlements, upgrades) and just wandering. I never finished it either but I got about 60 hours of gameplay before I got bored with it.

I grew up on Final Fantasy. I’ve beaten every single-player numbered entry in the series except 1 and 2, most of them multiple times. I tried to play FF9 a year or so ago and I just couldn’t deal with the random encounters. Mostly because the encounter rate is really high and each battle takes 20ish seconds to

Well if you turn random encounters off and 9999 damage on, you definitely wouldn’t be grinding for 80 hours (I mean, the original game is only about 40 anyway unless you go wild on fighting optional bosses...) You could probably beat the game in 10 hours with those cheats on.

On the one hand I think we as a society should be careful stigmatizing people for their sexuality, on the other hand that was a sick burn so good job.

Yes, but how many people commit suicide by rocket? Or by... errrr... letting a ball float past them? And these are both accomplished by pushing a button on a controller, not by actually going through the motions as you would in real life.

Dark souls/Bloodborne?

“Bumps” is putting it lightly. For anyone not familiar with their story, click here.

20% nicer Gawker in action, eh?

Ummmmm... it’s a bit late for that.

Chrono Trigger is the perfect game for any occasion.

Mega Man

The problem is in law enforcement’s view of the left. They see it as the enemy to be controlled or crushed to maintain order. See BLM and Occupy for details. Meanwhile, armed right-wing secessionists take over a government building and law enforcement shrugs.

Pro tip: Dickens is such a common reference in English it has it’s own word: Dickensian.

Though the fact that you went through 3 of then in 8 years might say something. *glances over at functioning ps1*