
But the reason why adult stuff is attractive to kids is precisely because they see adults mess around with it. They (well, at least my kids didn't) don't want a play mobile phone or a play compact set, because they very quickly realized that was of no interest to ME, the adult- they wanted what was interesting to me-

I'm no Kardashian fan- I haven't even watched one complete episode of her reality show and if I hadn't been a regular reader of these pages, I wouldn't have known she even existed. BUT. I don't understand all the hate she's getting for shilling products in Bahrain or wherever else. Isn't that what a lot of American

That's so eww.

Or maybe "scientists" should stop doing such useless studies and focus on something else. Or maybe jezebel should stop reporting them, and include more stories on "real" worthwhile scientific studies- I'm sure there must be a few around. Tons of possibilities here.

I notice Mrs. Clinton has put some effort in her hair and make-up, putting aside the scrunchie, for meeting the heavenly-bone-structure Meryl Streep!

What specifically about Ms. West's writing would you characterize as "poorly"? An incoherent, rambling argument? Unclear central thesis? Incorrect sentence structure together with blatant grammar mistakes? Lack of humour, a dry, arid, dull writing style? No- I do believe she gets check marks on all of the above. So

It really does depend on the level of friendship and context, I guess. With my really close friends, (who know my kids pretty well),I assume they would be equally comfortable with or without my kids, and I would never ask them anyway. With people who are more distant, but still "friends" and IF I knew it was just a

There's nothing wrong with socializing without kids! I never said there was- I do it too sometimes! And in my original comment I said that those guests shouldn't have gone after they were told they can't bring their daughter.

Confused. Weren't we reading here -on this very site- that some study or other and discovered that men are attracted to low-maintenance, low key looks? Wasn't there an avalanche of testimonies bemoaning the irony of how when we step out in sweatpants, greasy hair, sans makeup etc, we get hit upon once every five

I know- I only have "momances" with other crazy parent persons.

Wild guess here: are you a bitter child-free person?

hmmm... the packaging is ... interesting... and the prices are steep. Not sure if I really want unicorns and stars on my makeup boxes! Thanks for the link though- I always like ogling makeup.

Your reply to them - that they should leave her at home- should have been a warning bell to your guests. I simply can't fathom anyone so rude to actually say to me "please do not bring your daughter to our house" - obviously, I would not go myself if someone ever did. On the other hand- I would never (ask to) take my

never heard of that brand!

Lohan looks really good in all the pictures accompanying this particular psychic/whore/gypsy story, in contrast with the pics usually used for Lohan stories which show her looking old, bloated, druggy etc. I wonder if its the adrenaline from the anger which makes her so pretty in the gypsy pictures, or simply the

I was also under the impression that you should look as glam as you can at airports, although I am also confused about the precise reason behind this universal rule- I think it may have something to do with the chances of picking up hot random stranger travel sex?

How brave indeed is Caitlin Moran, British feminist and author of How to Be a Woman, for absolutely refusing to feel ANY shame, not even the slightest amount, for signing off with xx to her accountant. So. Brave. So. British. Can I ever aspire to reach this level of awesome cool braveness?

"Even continuing to watch porn in the moments after I've cum feels insane and gross — like ugghhhh, why are they still doing that?! I have to slam my laptop shut, roll over and pretend it never happened.


Whoa- this is a completely different account,and if true, provides a perfect case study of journalists twisting the facts to fit their own political agenda. I don't think it is sloppy journalism- the whole story seems too conveniently altered to fit the "asshole Westerners failing to respect OMG such terrible

My feelings EXACTLY- I only heard about this on jez. A- If MADONNA, the empress of self-confidence was a domestic abuse victim, why the continuous stereotyping of victims as poor, pathetic, vulnerable, stupid etc etc. B- Why isn't this more widely known? This is a culture which obsesses over trivialities of