
I live on Vancouver Island which is dominated by the NDP and the Greens so I am lucky enough to have representatives in parliament with whom I share a value system with. I am looking into joining the Tories to vote for Lisa Raitt or Michael Chong. I still have some respect for Trudeau but he has made some baffling

Wait until the Tories elect O'Leary.

He still hasn't released a statement on on the Quebec City shooting.

Not wanting to date a single parent is a completely reasonable deal breaker. Tinder is shallow and a lot of people are on there for validation or they wouldn't respond if you match; however I have met a few decent people on tinder.

A surprising amount of people thought that Colbert's views were honestly conservative.

Trump's too culturally oblivious to notice anything an inch outside the mainstream.

One major omission is Illuminations by Buffy St. Marie, which came out int in 1969. It's one of the first albums ever released to feature synthesizers and vocals on the same album.

He's not wrong….

I have a unique problem; I'm a very successful business man who takes frequent trips to Russia. While in Moscow I usually hire the classiest professionals the fair city of Moscow has to offer for a very special service, I won't say what that service is but let's just say I'm very into the color gold. Big league.

Stephen Colbert already has a SuperPac and he won't be the least qualified TV personality to ever run.

"Well defined political movement of gamer gate"
"Dude are you being sarcastic?"
"I don't even know anymore."

A lot of Sanders' comments in the debates reeked of dog whistle racism.

His history with NRA and his support of the 1994 crime bill probably haven't done him any favours with black voters either.

I don't think trump writes…

That's not a skill that most people have. I've done a reasonable amount of dating but I never approach strangers.

Methinks Ted Cruz forced one of his interns to inflate his popularity on IMDB.

Up-voted for the spirit of joining giblets in the most lurid manner imaginable and even though Lord Savage frequently advocates the hiring of doxies already it is a sentiment that bears repeating.

President Trumpster Fire

There is one big reason that Clinton lost: the electoral college. One of the many attitudes of the so called forgotten working class that does not hold water is that they are somehow under represented in Washington when the electoral college and congress in completely engineered to do the very opposite.

Trumps victory (if it can be called that seeing as how he lost the people vote by 2.8 million) was a backlash of under educated or under empathetic white people who were resentful of the fact the culture at large was no longer pandering to them. Just because they have grievances doesn't mean that their fears and