
I really enjoyed this Slate piece on the treatment that both Kim Novak and Liza got at the Oscars. The part that got me was the use of the "she should grow old GRACEFULLY like so-and-so" regarding Novak, as I saw that a lot on my Facebook feed during the Oscars. When people say that, they are typically referring to

I've seen some comments in other dark places of the Interwebs attacking the mom for taking her to a Burger King bathroom. She was a teenager. Living in a house with what seems to be very rigid and strict parents (who she clearly did not trust). Who knows if she had a car or access to transportation? It's not like

I'm so bemused by a lot of the hullabaloo around that Michael B. Jordan and Kate Mara casting. If there's ever an example of how people's own biases color their perception of things (yes, I did that), this is it. Of my brother's biological kids, one son looks like Paul Walker (RIP) and another son looks like Drake.

When I saw Ferrell walk out, I was immediately concerned that backstage, inside a mop closet, had been secreted a terrified, bruised Mr. Peanut with duct tape over his mouth and no clothes on.

I am strangely attracted to him. If he were not funny, this crush would not exist. Humor is my kryptonite.

Welcome to my life. I'm interracial and those damn boxes never apply to me. People - complete strangers - also feel comfortable walking up to me and asking, "What ARE you?". ... Um, a human? I get that they are naiive and just want to learn but damn I'm tired of it sometimes.

The hottest new DVD set on my shelf is The Shield. Michael Chiklis has created a character who answers the question, "WTF?" It's got everything: dirty cops, prostitutes, drugs, murder, rednecks, backed-up toilets, love triangles, gay-bashing, gangs, Armenians, fetishes, facial burns, and that thing where someone

Hi...i dont know if this will help, but i just wanted to let you know im in the same boat as you. I posted for the first time two weeks ago tonight...that night, my husband beat the crap out of me for the 100th time and i was exhausted and desperate so posted on here, saturday night social. The out pouring of support

I'm going to level with you. When I was a teen I stumbled upon another person who was contemplating suicide. Sadly, I stumbled too late. I was a stranger. It was the early days of social media. We were friends with each other and he put up a note to call the police to find him. I happened to see it because I took a


I am an ex-junkie. I have been very lucky to stay off of it for most of my adult life, thanks to day-to-day persistence and work as well as love and support from people I know, whether they know the effect of it or not.

I have enough to live for now that I MUST love myself and others enough to stay clean.

Many people

She's gorgeous. Happy to see white folks enjoying what us coloreds can take for granted. Case in point: My mom at 56.

My BFF is a nurse practitioner, and she told me some of the nastiest stories ever! Mostly vagina related, and things I never knew could happen.

i still think the use of "cake" in cheesecake had some people confused- I mean, you put cheese in anything it's gonna win. You play dirty, pie. And your bottom crust is soggy & weeeiiirrd. A Beiber pie recipe would have sizzurp & mop water urine & a crust tempered with the laugh of Brazilian hookers & the tears of an

I will eat cake. Cake is an appropriate vehicle for Mr. Wormybutt. But let us not get stupid and besmirch the sacred crusty fruity goodness that is PIE with this Canadian douchepotato.

TeamPIE!!! Yes it's fruit-REAL food from earth's bounty distilled into pure heaven! Pumpkin, apple, coconut, blueberry, cherry....hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream! Well..maybe not the coconut-that should be chilled and it's creamy enough, but I digress.

My grandparents were raised to think seatbelts would cause more damage in a car accident because they would crush your organs.

STOOPP im at work and im laughing like a crazy person!!!!!