
Sorry about that!

My understanding of them is that they show up at any time of the day, and have been doing so for hundreds of years. Nick Pope has a new book about them. More important, she needs to gently remind him that he needs to move on next time she sees him. It's time to go home!

Hello kindred spirit! Nice to hear from someone who is also "otherwise augmented". Though it seems I'm having the opposite experience, as it has only gotten stronger as I've gotten older.

Yep. Definitely possible. Sometimes our emotional state attracts stuff to us. Sometimes it's just the others passing through.

Lol! I used to...but I find that as much as people want to "know" things, it still really freaks them out and I'm not always comfortable doing that. Frankly it freaks me out too, and I've had this other kind of wiring all my life.

So true...just like you can move into a brand new house and it can be haunted as can be. I had the opportunity to be invited to investigate a 3 year old house that the family had only lived in for less than a year. Had all kinds of freaky stuff going on; the place was really hopping. Apparitions, moving objects,

Initially it sounded like you experienced a possible "Black Eyed Kid". Google it, then be prepared to stay awake for a long time. Luckily he didn't interact with you.

I had exactly the same thought. Then I had to take a break and go bleach my brain.

Amen to that.

I can SO relate! I'm from LA (movie biz and all that), and my fella is from the hills of Kentucky. I kid you not when I say that he speaks another language...and I get boatloads of quizzical looks about him. No one has had the nerve to say anything to my face, but my friends and family were obviously unsettled by