I've always known it was Tee-dus since I saw a trailer with a male narrator way back when it first came out and he said it "Tee dus"
I've always known it was Tee-dus since I saw a trailer with a male narrator way back when it first came out and he said it "Tee dus"
you're allowed to talk and you're allowed to say how you feel.
A conversation is boring and we have nothing to learn from each other if we get mad at everyone who doesn't think the exact way we do. :)
I liked your input and felt it was valid. Thanks for sharing ^_^
I understand exactly what you meant, and I think some people are trying to find fault with how you said something vs what you are actually saying.
I agree with you and it gets to a point where its not equality.
one step too far. lol
we're supposed to love them too, man. we just gotta pray for em.
They don't understand.
you need to get yourself together!!! lol
my favs: Princess Mononoke, Kiki's delivery service, Howl's Moving Castle, Grave of the Fireflies.
But the last one will make you cry.
"Square Enix is in a tight spot because there are compromises that are made, investments that are made that should not have been and things that they didn't invest in but should have," he said. "Communication is very lacking."
Plain and simple, theres no excuse why FFXV and KHIII are being released so late when they…
Who wants to be approved of by jerks?
The ENTIRE community arnt a bunch of sexist buttholes.
Pick the good ones out and hang with them.
Ignore the others.
Thats worked for me so far.
I did it for many years.
And when someone threw my Final Fantasy tactics book on the floor, I squirted lemon juice in his eyes and went on about my business.
we're on the same page here.
It's not an excuse for jerks to be jerks, its a way for you to get by without worrying about a jillion idiots on the face on the earth are doing, thinking, or saying about you.
They have NO power over you if you don't care.
I'd rather have zero friends than a single bad one.
Theres good people out there, just gotta be selective :)
I've grown up with this all my life, playing games since a baby, and I would never even waste the time to make this video (not shooting the people that did it, just talking about me personally :) ). Its just too much time. The d-bags that treat people like crap don't care to learn to be better, and I don't feel like…
I feel like I'm constantly beetle-farming but at like 400,000+ a pop per expansion....@_____@;;
I'm not attending but a friend is, so I tagged along in the registration line and walked along the sidewalk briefly to get about 30 of them. pretty excited, since I've had my 3DS for over six months and have only managed to pick up, like, two.
You use alot of mental strength, physical stamina to play games all day.
Its obviously a sport—-and e-sport.
Its kind of bad but all I got so far was FFVII.....and that wasn't even on sale. :(
I really laughed HARD reading your reply lol
It was just funny the way you wrote it.
It didnt look THAT bad lol
(but to be fair, I think its one of the worst FFs ever)
He couldve been whiny-er and I'd understand. He basically went through all that crap in VII meteor and all and you end up having geostigma/cancer crap anyways? So what you're saying is, i went through all that and I'm STILL gonna die?
that blows XD
the characters in FFVIII and the draw system did it for me. I enjoyed the storyline, but the characters...good grief. I liked some of them on a more basic level, but squall/rinoa, oh gosh. couldnt really tolerate either of them. And I love Quistis, but they murdered her character with the *spoiler* sobbyness of her…
As a ps3 lover I really don't seem to see that anything he said was offensive.