Ellsworth 2e

No. Parker for example didn't just not get an Oscar. I'm not weighing in on whether that's appropriate for Parker, maybe in his case it was, but maybe race was a factor, etc. I'm just trying to illustrate collateral sanctions, which are not at all limited to Oscars.

You also can't force a civil litigant to accept a settlement offer.

The entire working class. That distinction is important, since our side's minority support is never as high as we want it to be and never enough to turn things around.

We call those collateral sanctions. Depending on where you are in life, they can hit much harder than jail time.

Oh come on, it isn't personal. But sorry to trouble you all the same. Your post was one of the first to make that point in this thread so it was bound to generate responses. And so was mine. And as expected, some of the responses unironically attack due process, so I feel like my point was worth making somewhere

It doesn't matter what genders are involved, truth does count when people are accused of crime. I don't think you'd want to live in a society where it doesn't. If you think power imbalances are bad here and now, consider how they get expanded when nobody has to prove anything.

You just defended it yourself.

I guess the next round of remakes will be called A Predator or A Batman. Coming this summer… you thought you'd seen all the Batmen… but here's another! A Batman, starring Grant Gustin and Donald Glover, featuring Peter Dinklage as Alfred.

That link is a time machine. Even the "More Articles" on the side are old.

Not anymore, now it's Canadian.

I find it disgusting, not because of the sweetness but because it's unfermented beer. Who ever thought to drink that, let alone mass market it? The condensed milk thing is interesting on a "I would never do that with beer" level. So crazy it just might work.

Back in my day, we didn't have networks and your opponent had to sit next to you. This was both a blessing and a curse.

This is why it's important to keep up with the classics. Python was skewering Trump a long time ago. People should have spotted him right away as the antagonist from the parrot sketch or the argument sketch.

Population has fled from the interior to the coasts due to the increasing disparity in economic prospects. But the interior still counts, particularly in the senate and the electoral college. America's famous checks and balances include measures to prevent any region from dominating others. Clinton knew that but

If the connection between traits and races/cultures does not appear within the work but does appear in a critique, it necessarily was introduced by the critique. It is the critic, and the critic alone, who is linking those fictional character traits with those real-life people.

From the perspective of much of the world, those traits are shared by all Western Europeans. Including the noses.

OK then what makes the Ferengi seem Jewish? Mind you, in SE Asia the very same caricature is assumed to be Chinese. The Ferengi represent traits known by everyone everywhere rather than people of any given type. The racism is subjective, it's in the eye of the beholder.

Wait what? You made the claim that the majority of white people were racist. I'm not defending racists, I'm defending the majority of white people. Much has been written about true blue union voters switching to Trump. You can even find stats on that, to the extent such stats are possible in a world of secret

It was a sequel to Citizen Undertaker. Not many people know that.

That standard of proof goes both ways. So… you start interviewing all voters A-K, I'll do L-Z. See you in 90 years.