I think the horse is out of the barn on that one. Might as well watch Seinfeld.
I think the horse is out of the barn on that one. Might as well watch Seinfeld.
Conservatives by definition tend to believe that current power structures should remain. It's like sucking up to the teacher.
You have a point, but that point doesn't make any particular accusation true. It just means we have to keep our eyes open.
I agree about directional punching, but I don't think comedy divides into racial categories very well.
I just call it fascism.
That hardly makes it theirs though. Before all this, it was Calvin pissing on Rusty Wallace. Uncreative people like to steal and warp ideas.
I use that line frequently. RIP
Back in the 80s he discussed doing exactly that, if he ever ran for president. Dude is a charlatan. He's had decades to hone his skills.
Have you ever watched pro wrestling?
Surprise! Butter.
But there's a record of it, which can be broadcast to anyone or everyone.
First they came for the cashiers. Soon it will be the truckers. They're coming for you next. Down with robots!
Among other things, this country is based on slavery and genocide. But if those are the only two things you consider, it can skew your impression a bit.
She and Trump are pals. I doubt it.
It shouldn't be either/or. We can have artistry and building codes at the same time.
Evil is a word I reserve for people like Trump and Marlon Brando.
At present count, you just insulted more than 62 million Americans. I'm glad you're on the side of good but I hope you're not involved in planning strategy for the Democratic Party.
You could fly a Star Destroyer through the holes in those generalities. I know many of these people and yes they absolutely are disadvantaged. And some of them are minorities themselves. Imagine the actual targets of the bigotry looking past it and deciding their vote on economics. Or, don't imagine it and come see…
No offense but I really believe that attitude helps Trump.
No, some of them are disillusioned Democrats who we need to win back. Clearly not this guy. But it does no good to conflate him with them.