
I'll take season 5 of the Wire over any season of Boardwalk, save maybe season 2.

They've gotten a full season order. 2nd season is likely coming, but not official yet.

I was watching the finale with 4 people. When Becca said "hashtag blessed", everyone in the room, with varying degrees of paying attention, audibly groaned.

Descansa en paz.

I'd like to think that Higgins' sole purpose is the funny voice he does for "Egg Russian Roulette".

Turns the TV show into a black people version of Welcome Back Kotter. With a white teacher of course.

Sasheer doing the Rihanna pussy pat dance is my everything.

If we can hear Imagine Dragons yell YAK YAK YAK YAK I'm all for them joining Kendrick.

So that settles that…..until America wonders why there aren't any Asians on the show.

At least someone in that family was ballsy enough to release a REAL Black Album.*

Whoever does the best Iyanla impression should get the job.

I actually just want to see everyone's Iyanla. Iyanla is ripe for some comedy gold.

All of these, plus his documentaries are fantastic. I'd venture to say his skillset as a director fits docs better than narrative pieces.

Santiago's smile after Peralta's "Santiago Style" was almost too adorable to bear.

Get ready fo the the show of yo dreams.

She's in the empire business.

She's in the empire business.