
Not too mention what they paid to keep him there. The services denied to others so they could keep an innocent man in prison. Many many negative consequences that reverberate throughout society.

Minus the fee to a bail bondsman. May not seem like much unless you haven’t worked for 46 years.

And that’s how these deals get done. Rampant illiteracy!

I have two teenage sons. They haven’t watched a quarter/inning/period of any ball sport on t.v. in their lives. The future isn’t bright, head injuries or not.

Mark Davis was pure greed (shocking). Really? Couldn’t find any financing? He would’ve given up some ownership but he’down in the bay.

Posing a question. Portillos hot dog chain has made a delicious, delectable Chicago food experience (Chicago dahg, a beef, a sahsage, and the all important combo) ubiquitous throughout Ellinois. In the process, they’ve crushed all the little guys. All except a select few in hamlets and the city have been laid to waste.

Armfart Station...is that Guided By Voices’ new album?

Yeah. You’re right. Los mariscos estilo Sinaloa in East Oakland, they’re no good. Please stay away gringos.

There are easy classes at all schools. Calculus is easy for some. A course with no assignments other than enrolling is fraud. Period. Numbskull.

Better in AFAM than a more prestigious department? The irony in this is astounding...the departments that uphold white privilege are prestigious. The one department that studies the African American experience is exploited so the prestigious programs can feel good about being ata university with a good bball team of

Eventually no butts in the seats will matter. Directv had to offer a free one week trial for the first time ever. That’s HUGE! No one is going to the games and less are watching. Why give big deals to small time owners? Make them sell by “starving” them out.

Why did Jerruh give $750M+ to Bowlcut having, PF Chang eating Mark Davis? And 1/2 L.A. to Spanos? I know he gets double paid with his skybox corp, but it’s not going to be good for the league in the long run.

That’s an exaggeration, but I’ll grant you that; however, in the East Bay, our weather is insane. My drive to the beach is an hour, but I’m two miles to mountain biking and hiking. There are three breweries in my town alone. My requisite prescription can be filled ten minutes away soon it’ll be recreational.

And this is why the SF Bay Area costs a fortune. All seasons kill it. We have great beaches. Our beer is slightly over rated but still plentiful and excellent. And of course, the strains that made the world squinty eyed.

I saw The Grateful Dead on NYE 1990 in Oakland. The show gets out. I’m walking to BART, and I pass a guy getting of a bus with a fresh “Greatful Dead” steal your face tattoo. I looked at him and said, “you spelled grateful wrong”.

Any toll road into Chicago in the summer = butt.

I’m always going to side with labor and the potheads. Don’t demonize the guys that actually produce the joy. Look at the NBA. They don’t bother testing/enforcing because there’d be no league. 

Don’t forget the all important student-pot dealer!

I understand that but shouldn’t the NFL want the best talent AND protect themselves from the shitstorm of future lawsuits? The Toradol issue is going to blow up in their faces once players sue over total kidney failure. Team doctors are providing a pharmaceutical outside known safe doses. It doesn’t need to be

Except you’re job doesn’t push narcotics on you to perform every Sunday. It doesn’t subtract years from your life while withholding possible life-changing information. The NFL has no problem blowing up his kidneys with Toradol. Marijuana is a million times safer and most likely helpful in increasing his performance.