So, catch me up: Are we pro- or anti- sexual exploitation this week ? And does it matter whether or not Congress is involved in the decision ? I mean - Presidents don’t have bills just sprouting from their foreheads. . .
So, catch me up: Are we pro- or anti- sexual exploitation this week ? And does it matter whether or not Congress is involved in the decision ? I mean - Presidents don’t have bills just sprouting from their foreheads. . .
There is no pleasing anyone at Giz.
^^ What he said. ^^
You’re right... we should blame the NRA . . .
Amen. Enough of the political bullshit. Isn’t there another website (in the family of sites) that he could transfer to ?
So, because you disagree with their opinion - you unilaterally decide their opinion has no merit. How narrow-minded can you be ?.
Why the fuck do you find it fucking necessary to include the word “fuck” within the fucking title of your fucking story ?
Why don’t you fix the problem ? You seem to have all the answers.
So - what’s your solution ?
Ahhh... “whataboutism” - the newest word of the year. The intellectual equivalent of “I only want to rant about YOUR guy”.....
Sorry buttercup, history is filled with examples of bad behavior by both political parties. Saying you only want to talk about one, and not the other, shows how partisan you are.
Thanks Joe. Maybe some day you’ll realize your article does nothing to disprove the disarming of the Jews (and other undesirables) by the Nazi’s.
Please point out where I wrote “I’m against laws of any kind because nothing works”. What I wrote is that “People will still kill people EVEN THOUGH IT IS AGAINST THE LAW.”
If you can’t understand the difference, we can’t continue this enthralling dialogue.
Like democrats aren’t lining theirs every chance they get, too ?
“Give me Netflix, or give me death . . . “
Long before net neutrality (which gave the FCC jurisdiction), the FTC had jurisdiction. repealing net neutrality put the ball back in the FTC court.
I don’t like people that spin their wheels and spend their time passing useless laws to make them feel like they did something, especially when they don’t even enforce the laws on the books already. And people who generalize about other people - don’t like them neither . . . .
How did yo miss the part where I basically said there is no need for the Israeli civilians to have guns because everywhere you look, there is an active duty soldier with one ? I mean literally, every where - restaurants, movie theaters, schools, hospitals. It’s a very vigilant country - something to do with pissed off…
Did you read your article ? Did you miss: