Of Course.

Nope. That was four russians on facebook !!!!

Columbine became the fucking template for these a-holes - because we bring it up every year, because we still speak the name Dylan Kliebold, and because we made fucking movies about it. They are America’s anti-heroes... sticking up for the downtrodden and the oppressed ! Hell, I’m surprised we haven’t made a video

So, you think the media deosn’t salivate over tragedies ? That’s ratings there, boy ! Wolfe Blitzer LIVES for shit like that. Don’t be so gullible. What’s he gonna report on otherwise, community gardens ?

Good luck with that solution. Has it never occurred to the “ban clan” that the only place that could possibly work is on an island nation ? (UK/Australia, etc . . .) I mean, even Obama figured out how to walk illegal guns across the border.

Have you actually SEEN her murder or child ? or seen her convicted of murdering a child ? No ? Then how about a nice big slice of STFU pie ?

Until they can report on enough suicides to make it trendy . . . so they can report on the suicide epidemic, and maybe we can blame the government for not doing enough to prevent suicides !

You do realize you ban that evil-looking gun, half the sick fucks in the world are gonna take it as a challenge, right ? You ever see what a 12-gauge pump loaded with 00 buck can do in a crowded situation ? hamburger is what you have left.

Whedon needs to hang it up. Hasn’t had a good idea since Firefly.

Screw whether it kills you or not... the guy in the picture looks like a addicted twatwaffle.

I say we kill all the producers of hydrogenated oil. Fucking Twinkies have been killing people for generations.

Very simplistic, and has the benefit of being easy to remember.

Yes, guns are made for killing - killing hogs, deer, vermin, any number of things. They are also made for protection, and to help those who serve and protect enforce the laws we all agree on - in the most dangerous situations. So, yes, guns also have

It is kind of a great , bullshit system, right ? I love the part where people actually believe things politicians tell them - or believe passing more laws will make criminals think twice before doing bad things.

Frankly, I’d be happy if the FBI did their job when a case is handed to them, the various systems already

Love the smell of mob rule and internet anger in the morning . . . it’s the smell of democracy . . .

“The tide has definitely turned” . . . .uhmm.... no, it hasn’t. Maybe we’ll start defending our schools like we defend our banks . . . but that’s a big “maybe” . . .

Someone sounds jealous . . .

Pretty sad right ?

It’s more like walking through the door offering free guitar lessons and finding out that yeah, you can get a free lesson - if you don’t mind averting your eyes from the occasional circle jerk over in the corner . . . Why not just move all of that to a new room - with a different sign on the door ?

yeah... because democrats and millenials switched their votes to republican - based on Facebook articles. And, if they did - then we deserve the idiocracy we’ve become.

BEST POST OF THE DAY. Gizmodo is for stories about . . . wait for it . . . GIZMO’S . . . Cool, shiny things that go BEEP BEEP BOOP. Start a sub-blog called I dunno... Politicrap and post there . . .

Brilliant reply. You deserve an award. Well thought out, and insightful. Really moves the needle in the conversation.

I dunno, stealing important shit is working out pretty good for Chelsea Manning . .