
Yeah, likewise “Raising Dion” doesn’t count either...

It’s hilarious when your political opponents, while mowing their lawns with headphones on, are tackled from behind by deranged neighbors.

Protect your kid from Peppa Pig, period.

“The federal government doesn’t confiscate dollars and redistribute them. It uses its legal power to create and destroy them.”

Once upon a time when I dated a co-worker (not something I recommend), she told me her supervisor was sexually harassing her. I wanted to confront him, but she told me not to. As far as I knew at the time, I was the only other person aware of the situation.

The devs think this is edgy and transgressive, I imagine. Throw Mohammed in there, lets see how edgy you really are.

Wait, which “historical” floods were predicted?

Are you trolling us with this article?

The profound lack of self-awareness required to juxtapose a post citing Steven Pinker as an authority on anything, with yet another post railing against the Damore “anti-diversity screed,” could only be achieved in a Gizmodo blog.

They are police officers, not bullet traps. How much are you willing to pay people to perform the duties of police officers, but cannot fire unless fired upon?

Anyone have a link to Constance Wu’s tweets regarding Roman Polanski not only being nominated for an Oscar, but winning one?