A month is a short time. Even by the end of our flexibility challenge, you may not find that you’ve made a ton of…
I did a HIIT kickboxing circuit today where each station called for three minutes of punching, kicking, or…
It’s a modern paradox that we only get the freedom of flying through the air when we are squeezed…
I know I’m not the only one with this problem. The first time I tried a cycling class, the instructor helped me get…
iOS/Android: Most people who learn CPR will never need to use it. But if somebody collapsed in the restaurant next…
I got an email yesterday from the FDA that contained this bummer of a statement: “[C]igarettes are the only legal…
Today, the hottest game on earth launched on the most ubiquitous device around. While Fortnite on mobile is only…
Last year, Cheerios kind of fucked up. They did a giveaway of “wildflower” seeds in a misguided attempt to get…
Holding a stretch for 30 seconds isn’t the only way to improve your flexibility—it’s just the way a lot of us are…
If you want to beat your best race time, it seems to help to spend time in the gym. Alex Hutchinson at Outside report…
Take a deep breath...hold it...breathe out...now wait a sec before breathing in again. Bookmark QuietKit’s box…
Earlier this month, a hentai game blew up. It wasn’t the sex, though: people were talking about the game because of…
Rejoice, Switch fans: Nintendo’s iconic platform brawler is finally confirmed for the portable console. Now that…
As a battle royale shooter, Fortnite stands out from an increasingly saturated market by giving players the ability…
Every year since 2013, I start a new file in a specific JRPG. I grind, I level up, I do side quests. I pour anywhere…
Halo: Reach’s ninth campaign level, The Package, has a cutscene where Noble Team goes through a destroyed science…
In the latest episode of Fave This, Gita Jackson and Maddy Myers talk about the never-ending debate around games like Bayonetta. What do people miss when they obsess over whether or not something is ‘sexist’? Beyond their lurid character designs, what do games like Nier: Automata and Soul Calibur actually say or…
Even if you’ve been using the PS4 since launch day, chances are good that you don’t know about everything the…
While Steam has gained a lewd reputation, the specifics of who brings risque games onto the platform is largely…