Now now, this is we lost the election. The coastal elites need to reach out to people like this and understand their concerns.
Now now, this is we lost the election. The coastal elites need to reach out to people like this and understand their concerns.
I mean we’re already seeing the same sort of flip from the opposite perspective. The large majority of my liberal American friends (I’m also Canadian) who supported strict gun control - some even going so far as to say they should be illegal altogether, full stop - are now buying guns.
Just don’t click on them. That easy.
Jesus christ, every time FA shares something we get to hear you guys bitch about it. You’re not the only people who read this website. If you don’t want to read these kind of articles, don’t fucking click on them. It’s that simple.
She actually wasn’t trying to be funny. That is the world she lives in.
Yeah, I hate her but I have to give her credit for making me smirk. Well played... but she’s still an asshole.
Especially with Trump having repeatedly slept with other women while being married.
“I don’t play golf and I don’t have a mistress.”
Kellyanne Conway is a terrible person, but I did think that was a funny line. Especially with all of the womanizers in the Trump administration.
And what exactly would be “helping”? Treating them with respect? Nah, respect has to be earned not given.
Why is she flying coach, though? Marie Antoinette had more of a clue. Was this a sympathy stunt?
She knew exactly what she was doing and what the potential outcomes were from flying commercial. Part of me thinks Bannon set this up so this exact incident would occur and everyone would feel sorry for lil Vanky.
I know i’m supposed to feel bad for Ivanka, but I can’t. Fuck her. Fuck her husband. They are going to make billions off the american taxpayer and have no shame or remorse or anything resembling human emotions. I might feel the slightest bit of pity for the kids, except then I remember they’re all fucking rich and…
Then unsolicited material should stay out of a film entirely instead of being turned over to other people.
Sadly, I think it’s just getting started.
Watch the bad health shifts, suicides, and makeshift abortions rise in the state if one were to already understand the amount of health related issues women suffer in places they cannot get proper care.
Jesus everlovin fuck- will it ever stop?
Reading facebook comments on Huff Post makes me want to bang my head against the wall. I hate facebook with the fire of a thousand suns. But what I can’t even quantify as a rage because that would be a disservice to my disgust, is the people who look down on those of us who opt of facebook. Fuck them.
I will laugh so hard forever if it ends up actually being Ted Nugent.