
Ted Cruz - the man who shut down the government over Obamacare - calling yesterday’s filibuster “a political show” is truly rich.

Right? I see people defending Disney, saying there were “No Swimming” signs...really? That’s supposed to suffice? They’ve already pulled 5 alligators out of that water. Why are people even allowed to frolic on the banks ffs? Gators watch the edge, run out, and drag their prey in a lot of the time. This is insane. And

Alligators can travel over land though. They get in people’s swimming pools all the time. I’m sure Disney didn’t put the alligators in the lake.

I too have a 2 year old (almost 3 OMG he’s getting so freaking big) and my heart just dropped for his parents after I heard this. There was also a story about a guy taking pictures of kids at a mall play area near me recently.

As a parent, it’s staggering the amount of thoughts you canNOT think about. Which is why they make signs to help those of us who maybe aren’t thinking everything through. My heart goes out to this parent, if I were him I would... I can’t even think it, it’s too much. Nope.

But technically—-they werent. they were not swimming- they were barely up to their ankles.

Sticking your feet in water is not swimming.


Just remember, this is a conviction, the best case scenario the other 97% of victims do not ever come close to.

You can police every aspect of your speech, you can wear the right things, you can get all the degrees and expertise, you can write the most fucking eloquent and heartbreaking courtroom statement and still there are men who will not hear you because they just don’t listen to women.

Because you don’t believe in the U.S. Constitution which guarantees due process and prohibits cruel and unusual punishment?

You don’t have sympathy for a man who was wrongfully imprisoned? That sounds like a you problem.

I am really wondering if he has some developmental syndrome issue. He was at a house party with his mom in attendance, everyone else was much older than him. This is a really weird rape story.

I would trade everything I own to see those two hairless minxes go to town on each other.

Certainly the rapist has no shortage of tears in the photo, so crying isn't indicative of any actual empathy.

He’s a bully and a pretty unsophisticated one and people want him to be president! This election is really eye opening. I had too much faith in American voters. Now I am wondering whether I want to raise children in this country given how many people seem to love and admire bullies.

How? Because the orders have been given that it’s time to get behind Dear Leader, like him or not, because it’s time to go to war against the Democrats. And those people are good at following orders.

All things are possible with republicans. Bet vanity fair regrets that little puff piece now.

And she’s head of her church council, because OF COURSE SHE IS.

Don’t you understand it is never the shooters fault? Or the rapist or murder? They are the true victims /s