Elle Latham

Scream Queens, probably.

YAY. Archer and Lana!!!! SOOOOO HAPPPPPYYYY!

Note: Don't add beans to your sundae.

I really hope he officiates the Castellano-Lahiri wedding.

Oh man. I loved him on House of Cards. Such a lovely surprise. Made me miss The Colbert Report even more.

How many shades of grey?

I definitely get that feeling as well.

I saw it the same way.

Awesome. Maybe I'll enter then. Thanks for reading it. I got lazy with reading articles today.

There are tampons. They're just not visible. There's also a penis in the movie somewhere but that's invisible as well.

Could I trade those tickets in for a better movie?

That was my exact reaction to the subplot. It made it a worse movie than it would've been without it. Also, it was so stilted and on the nose. I value subtlety and discoveries in my movies. It just felt so lazy. And a bit White Woman Saves Latino Dude.

It's "of which you speak". (Sorry to go all Carol on you) I watch Last Man on Earth too.

Not this again!

Ding. Dong. The witch is dead. (Finally.)

Is he a Transformer?!

I haven't been this uncomfortable watching a former addict "go there" on screen since Natasha Lyonne on OITNB.

That was the most riveting part of the episode. Is it a scarf? Nope. Pashmina.

Shakespeare was the ultimate soap auteur.

Except for the one that killed that dude.