
1. Every time I see a DJT speech breaking into my wall-to-wall viewing of MSNBC, I have to change the channel. Then, after what seems like an unbelievably long time, I think “Well, he must be done by now,” and change back, he’s STILL TALKING. About nothing. Just rambling and basking in the attention one can only

Embarrassing admission: I was reading through the stories from the links in the article, and I thought to myself, “More than ever (this week at least), this collection of stories makes me want to vomit. Then I remembered that it is called Barf Bag, and today is the first time I ever put two and two together.

I kinda feel like child protective services should have been called before publishing this. It’s clear this girl is being abused... and maybe just maybe there needs to be responsible adults looking out for her welfare before she ends up dead in an overdose as a Jane Doe.

It isn’t out of left field but you know that the Kardashian PR machine definitely had that one cued up for a situation like this.

Yes I have a daughter turning 13 and her schoolmates are generally much more tolerant but the ones that are racist are much more open about it than when I grew up in the 80s or 90s. They’ve been emboldened.

This. I have decided that this is the last article I will click on about Kanye. If people stop clicking, journalists will stop interviewing him and writing about him.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

I wonder if they actually know who threatened her and just baited him into calling her a liar. The feds have all of Cohen’s records so if he setup the threat then Trump is proper F’d.

Nobody in the Trump family knows how to sit properly.

johnny coug is an asshole and his art sucks.

Um, dumbass famous people have a dumbass and messy divorce along with dumbass relationships? Color me surprised.

Well done, Bobby. Well done.

I’ve been thinking about Miley a lot this weekend in light of the Michelle Wolf craziness. Remember when Miley did that ridiculous dance at some awards show with Robin Thicke and she was dragged so badly? NOBODY said shit to the grown-ass married man who also participated or the producers (old white dudes, no doubt)

“This woman has a husband. A husband. She didn’t deserve this! HE didn’t deserve this! You’ve ruined her ... for him.”

Fucking THANK YOU. I’m a good person! I do good things! I hate injustice! I don’t need a fucking husband or kids to validate all of my feelings and experiences. Sick of over-privileged women using their platforms to remind the world that I am a lesser being because I have failed to procreate.


I’m not sure if heartthrob mags like Teen Beat and Tiger Beat are still around. I was born in ‘81, so I stopped caring in the mid-90's.

Good for her.

As a girl who was possibly one of the tallest in her school, a bigger skirt size means nothing. Bigger size means bigger in the hip/waist, and maybe if you’re lucky a half inch longer in length. I couldn’t go near skirts or shorts for school, and I lived in Florida. unless they were super long because anything not