
How many times do we have to learn that this man is completely full of shit? He’ll say anything to anyone if they’re sitting in front of him then backtrack later.

Look, I know it’s exactly what the gun manufacturers want, but guns aren’t going anywhere until a bunch of pissed off liberals (preferably non-white liberals) start paramilitary training in upstate NY. Probably not even then, but calls to reason will not get the job done.

The White House’s official proposal would fund firearms training programs for school staff and strengthen criminal background and mental health checks.

A bit off-topic but I was wondering what the thoughts were surrounding the Pennsylvannia Special Election.

why is towel kitty presenting?

I’m mostly amazed by the blithe suggestion that raping a 13-year-old child is “nonviolent.”

Well, that’s no gouda.

Yeah the ‘Africa’ thing is dumb, but tbf whenevet I told people in the US that I volunteered in Zambia I usually had to qualify it with the continent.

Let the labor be local. The reason there wasn’t a school there isn’t because no one thought of it. It’s because there weren’t material resources. White people going over there and doing jobs locals can do for pay hurts the economy.

Former Peace Corps volunteer here. If your friend acted like she literally built everything herself then yeah, she sucks. If you hated on her for setting up schools (probably using local laborers) then you’re the shitty person.

Do you think all construction workers know all those things? Sometimes people are just labor.

HA I totally cop to being that kid. Except I wanted to go to Latin America. I signed up for a mission in Lima Peru and was accepted and realized ere too long that I really didn’t care what people believed, that I knew jack shit about Peru and I wanted to help people materially, not spiritually, so I didn’t go. I then

It’s good for your own recovery process and to change for the better. But to be used to explain or excuse to the public and to your victims? Nope.

yeah, i work as a writer/editor for a trade mag. i would be embarrassed/irrationally worried about getting fired if i turned in a piece with as many typos and grammatical errors as the average gawkmodo piece (i really don’t want to single this piece out because it’s only slightly worse than the average.)

What is ‘tie at tie at 8 pm’? Why don’t they use spellcheck and grammar check????

The grammatical errors, comma abuse, and questionable punctuation bother me. The rampant misspellings are absurd, and do not serve a site that at times desires to be Serious Journalism.


Seacrest out...please.

You do realize....Seacrest is in the closet. I read the article expecting it to be a male PA.