Oooh, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Oooh, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Wait. I don't see a 1980 Datsun 510 wagon, blue, on there.
It appears the article noted referred to them as 'Maya.'
*pats hand* Take care.
Ditto. It was about to be amazing.
Lots of Fillion as Mal 'grr, argh'/comparisons to Ford as Han. Not totally the case. Rogue w/ a heart of gold doing illicit things to get by, sure; they're alike in that regard. But that's not all there is to Mal. Mal has a deep-seated, almost palpable, very visceral anger, along w/ hints of shame and self-loathing…
Reminds me of the cover of one of Samuel Delany's books. Can't recall which one.
My favorite essay on this topic was written by the late and gone too soon, Octavia Butler. Her "Furor Scribendi" is not just a lesson in overcoming difficulties in writing, but also useful in facing life's difficulties. A quote:
I'm surprised at the vitriol aimed at us fatties. Jeeze, I'm glad you feel you can stand in judgment of us. But methinks we fatties carry enough shame around to please a whole family of devote Catholics. Despite that, I believe the doctor can choose who she wants to treat, but I wish she'd been more delicate about it.
"boo-urns" been a while since I read that!
Soon, we'll all be plugged into Google Matrix.
I think I agree.
Survey says, "the moment it works flawlessly w/ little effort."
Damn. That's sad. Even my most technophobic co-workers can work w/ Dropbox.