
Couldn't they have chosen a healthier looking color? It looks like snot. i'm not saying anything; I'm just saying...

Aaarrgghh! Don't scare/scar me like that.

Every time I see that, my face cries out in sympathy.

OMG, Collex. I'm right there, too. I had to do a re-re-review of the characters and how they're linked to keep up. I don't know that I'll be finished w/i 2 weeks though.

Pobresito, eh.

Exactly! Funny, but poor dude. What if he wet himself on national TV?

They're waiting for 2012; you still have time for that insurance.


Yeah. It took me years to crawl out from under a medical bankruptcy. And the bill was outrageous. I was charge $25 for Tylenol by the pharmacy. And that was with my meager healthcare provided by WalMart. Yay. : \

LOL! Thanks for that moment of levity!

Can he take ownership of Trump's brain ASAP.

Wow. Discussion below is kinda ugly. Are people really this close-minded?

Nice. I was just thinking about Tilda.

Bravo! I'll allow it. (Great choice)

Anyone have a weird sense that the screen was still blinking long after the test was over?

Simply brilliant.

Oh, I thought I was just missing the links. It's supposed to open from the slideshow? Ain't happening in Chrome.


Agreed. I grew a little misty.