Elle DeLonzo

Wow you people are easily emotionally manipulated

Yeah it doesn't make any sense. Not much in this show does, sadly.

The fawning over this show has become laughable and ludicrous. It's reasonably entertaining with good acting. But good lord, the way some of the critics and the infintesimal portion of the population still watching this show act, nothing could be better than The Leftovers. It's like crack for pretentious,

Yeah…I hate to break it to you, but you're bisexual.

Complaining about Azaria's character' s speech about female genitalia is another great example of the weird and disturbing puritanical side of the left.

Right, because anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line with "progressive" orthodoxy is an alt-right Nazi. Hope you enjoy being a cultural authoritarian d-bag

There are a lot because the show is poor and hardly anyone watches it

Keep in mind: he may be a grower and not a show-er.

The show may not be predictable, but throwing a bunch of total nonsense at the viewer, with no ultimate explanation, is not any better. How are people falling for this?

Exactly. And the other issue is that all of Lindelof's worst impulses that we have seen in other shows and movies in which he was involved, are on full display here. The last few episodes are like a bad remix of LOST.

And like most idiots, you're confusing that with quality.

This fucking show…is not good at all

Then it should stop constantly teasing answers while raising new questions that won't be answered. . And we are way beyond the book now

It's a pretentious disaster.

This show is an absolute mess. Lindelof's weaknesses are all over this show. Sadly, he is indulging his worst instincts in this last seasons. No answers, more questions, no real plan. All form, and designed to fool pseudo-intellectual reviewers like those here at the AV Club. What an utter disappointment.

Ah, of course. The charge of racism. Predictable, and indicative of a brainwashed leftist mind

Are you kidding? Most American history books do nothing except inaccurately portray the slave trade as a mass kidnapping. They're designed to push the "progressive" narrative and brainwash every kid of European descent into feeling guilty about something they, and most likely their ancestors, either took no part in

Typical of your type. Can't handle anyone who dares to disagree.

The original poster stated the argument pretty succinctly. Perhaps you should go back and read it.

You're an idiot. THEY WERE NOT "KIDNAPPED EN MASSE". That statement alone is historically inaccurate and meant to inflame mental tensions and fool people into thinking white people were alone responsible for slavery. It's incredible that you'll buy into this crap even to the extent of ignoring accuracy if it