You guys are literally the worst and I wrote something about the awful white feminism you subscribe to. Everything going on today and this is what you choose to whine about? Sickening.
You guys are literally the worst and I wrote something about the awful white feminism you subscribe to. Everything going on today and this is what you choose to whine about? Sickening.
Sorry theRoot doesn’t cater your needs as a white person. Guess your stuck with only society as a whole catering to you. Sounds awful.
I’m not sure if I have a complete understanding of it either.
Look what Trump has done in the US. And we criticizing Liberia? SMH
I just....the more I hear about his parents, the more I think that, well. No. I won’t say that about his parents right now in their grief.
I’m sure they will get right on that. After they test police officers and start pulling the skittish ones.
Indeed, but often you don’t want to be wet the entire time you are at the beach. Sometimes, you just want to sit outside and enjoy the wind and views without being baked by the sun.
Well that is shitty and dangerous. They need to psychologically test these people, then. Whatever the problem is, they need to start working immediately to stop it, because they are ruining families’ lives.
But that’s how white supremacy works - it’s insidious and even influences the minds of POC, encouraging them to take actions that uphold the whole system.
Yes, but that is how the system is set up, see what I’m saying? We are not immune to white supremacist ideas about Black families.
There is a segment of the white population that believes Black families are inherently abusive and that most Black children would be better off taken away from their parents.
LOL. You’re acting like a child. Don’t take criticism well I’m guessing?
The father sounds like an idiot himself and the kind of parent who is known to abuse an intellectually challenged child.
“Sticky wicket this one...”
It happens way more than you think. I personally know 3 people this happened to. One was 5 months in and premenopausal, one was a girl who worked out constantly and didn’t get the beach ball stomach or her period. She made it to 8.5 months. And one was heavier and admittedly in denial as she literally heard the rumors…
Plenty of people have pregnancies without realising it.
and no one said that.
I get the sentiment, but not gonna feel sympathy for a multi millionaire senator, with the best doctors at his disposal who won’t go broke from the surgeries or treatment to keep him alive at fucking 80 years old. least now he may realise why people need healthcare that’s affordable and non-judgemental.