Honey Bee's Roundhouse Kick

Remember, being “disruptive and belligerent” is a crime punishable by beating in our police-state.

I can only conclude that most people in the US fucking love authoritarians.

They won’t give a fuck until they’re the ones being dragged off. Probably by an angry mob.

Does United not have a single PR person? Someone, anyone who could put some platitudes on cue cards and shove this guy in front of the camera? One of the cops is already being investigated, how hard would it be for United to do the whole we are deeply disturbed by the incident and will look into itsong and dance?

In 1973 the Washington Post won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of Watergate.

Agreed. I’m a lawyer and I would say YES they did.

It sounds like that was exactly the case, but that still isn’t a good enough reason to demand a paying customer give up their spot IMHO.

I don’t blame the 4 employees that United attempted to add to the flight. I’m willing to bet that they were being forced to staff a plane in Louisville due to other flight delays or something like that and they had no choice in the matter. This seems to be the unintended but inevitable result of shitty corporate

Well, the employee said, “I want that.” And United Airlines asked, “Are you a 10 year-old girl wearing leggings?” And when the employee said no, United decided to revoke the passenger’s ticket with extreme prejudice.

So if I’m to understand this, this guy already paid for a ticket and was seated, but the airline wanted to give his seat to an employee??? How is this possibly the procedure???

People are attacking her because she is indeed a shithead. They are not attacking her because she barely opens her mouth when speaking, which is what she does.

Because Ivanka has specifically positioned herself as a moderating influence to her father, as the “neutral” advocate for women whose goal is to bring her father around to a “better” position.

This girl gets so many free passes and kudos simply because she is attractive. She’s an unethical businesswoman advising an unethical president. He’s using her as a shield while he pulls of his anti-woman antics.

Or, stated another (much shorter) way: they’re fascists.

Ghost in the Shell bombs!!!

“I would never want to feel like I was playing a character that was offensive.”

Ask Donald Trump. Same rules do not apply.

I’m really stunned that a network that is totally fine with it’s highest rated talent mocking a black congresswoman on air would find itself in a racial discrimination suit... (/s)

Sue them for all the monies.

if we call killing in the name of ISIS when done by people who have been groomed via the internet and never met an ISIS member terrorism, then why does that not also apply to white people groomed via White Hate? Or is terrorism only reserved for White Victims.