What’s wrong with the shorts? They’re basically just Dockers shorts. His shoes, however (which you can’t see in these photos but easily googleable) are truly hideous.
What’s wrong with the shorts? They’re basically just Dockers shorts. His shoes, however (which you can’t see in these photos but easily googleable) are truly hideous.
Also, all of her other terrible, terrible opinions, like being “offended” by the existence of HBCUs, blaming a rape accuser for getting on a tour bus, called Chris Brown “misunderstood,” and said transphobic things about Caitlin Jenner.
SHUT UP—he is a good and moral Christian who, yes, cheated on his third wife (who’d recently given birth to their child) and had the other woman threatened and paid off. And who’s discussing reinstating a domestic abuser in his cabinet. But don’t try your cognitive dissonance with me! LALALALALALALA.
As soon as I saw there was gonna be black child on the show, I thought, “oh no. What are they gonna make her do?”
This is why this is why I absolutely refuse to watch her stupid show. I will not support this wack-a-doo Trump supporter. It’s also serious bullshit that she put some little Black girl in the show to act as a buffer against the obvious fact that Trump supporters are racist. She’s disgusting and she can go choke for…
What do you mean, the — oh, let’s not get into this.
Anyone else find is sketchy that Roseanne has a black kid on the show - sort of like a human shield against charges of racism for being a Trump supporter? If a black adult were there, then race could be discussed. As it is, the kid’s a prop...
Why do people love to complain about this so much? If you have to travel to go to a wedding, and you don’t want to spend the $, then don’t go. If it’s a close friend and I love the person, then I wouldn’t see it as some kind of burden but as a small sacrifice I have to make to be there for my dear friend. Unless…
Read the article linked above in the comments. It doesn’t seem like he was actually stabbed.
This guy puts the rise of Meghan Markle from mildly successful actress to motherfucking Princess to shame.
I sensed this before even reading the article. At least I don’t feel guilty about it now.
Ugh you know for some reason when I saw the hospital pics he posted, my thought was ‘he didn’t get stabbed’ or ‘at best, something scraped him’.
So... interestingly, the Daily Beast is reporting that police didn’t find any signs of a stabbing - no wound.... Grain of salt and all that, but interesting development. https://www.thedailybeast.com/report-corey-feldman-says-he-was-stabbed-but-cops-say-no-wound-is-visible
You need special security when you’re stabbed with invisible blades that don’t actually cause any lacerations: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-corey-feldman-attack-investigation-20180328-story.html
You shouldn’t try to have an honest conversation with someone who starts the discussion with that tired “religion of peace” bullshit, it’s like trying to have a serious discussion with someone who rants about “Crooked Hillary”, you’re never gonna get through to them no matter what you say.
I never thought I’d say this... but leave Taylor the fuck alone. She did a good thing. I don’t give a fuck what the motivation behind it was, she has a huge platform and she threw that behind a decent cause.
Elon and Ronan Farrow should form a support group.