
I’ve seen some commenters here say that the fact that Woody “only” molested one child is somehow enough evidence that he didn’t even do that. I think this is Law and Order: SUV’s fault. Somehow we all now believe we are experts on child molesters and their behavior and we just KNOW that there MUST be more because NO

I remember reading that Brody’s family jokingly told him that Caitlyn was coming to his high school graduation or some other big event, assuming he would know they were kidding. But he got super excited and made a bunch of plans, and was absolutely devastated when she wasn’t there, and didn’t even call or send a card.

Here’s the thing: I don’t think SJP is some sort of angel. Her public persona is nearly as annoying as Carrie Bradshaw. She just seems cloying and wholly inauthentic. However, the fact that Cynthia Nixon, who does come off as intelligent and thoughtful about the world around her based on her interviews and political

Yeah, and I know I’ll get backlash for this, but in terms of birth control, I really do think sterilization is the best option for some of these women. And the thing is, they do want it, but many may not know about it or how to go about getting one (let alone the cost) unless they are approached by an expert or

I think we shouldn’t be throwing the (ugh sorry) baby out with the bathwater because someone used sterilization for awful things at some point though.

my fav brody jenner era. Look at that coordination...what a power couple.

I’m an addiction counselor in a rural area, and most of my clients are poor, low-functioning, and have low educational levels. Many of them have no transportation or internet access. They often have unstable housing.

Perhaps. I suppose I shall simply give up commenting, then. Watching burner trolls become verified commenters to spew bile while I sit in the greys for literally years is no longer as amusing as it was.

“I wanted to make sure she had all of the answers she had been seeking.”

Are you implying that there is something wrong with sex work?

I thought she was working on her skin cancer. Either the above photo was heavily edited, or she had a bunch of peels and creams and voodoo stuff done to her face.

There isn’t. We just have a gigantic problem with alcohol consumption in this country that nobody wants to address. Count all of the “my mom/grandmother totally drank during pregnancy and we all turned out juuuuussst fine” comments. It’s gross.

The risk of listeria in commercially produced pasteurized milk isn’t related to the risk in cheese, as cheese can become contaminated during the cheese making process. There has been no outbreaks commercially produced pasteurized milk (raw milk is another story) in my memory, but there’s been outbreaks in cheeses

It’s almost like i lived my whole life watching him deal with brain damage and saw how it affected the choices he made.

It didn’t come off as condescending to me. The resistance to science is real. I get it, I just had a baby, I was annoyed as hell at all the rules. Sure, there’s no way to completely protect yourself and sure, most lunch meat doesn’t have listeria. But shit, if we KNOW there is a risk, why not advise against it?!

Except saying “don’t drink at all” is sound science because it’s an application of the precautionary principle, which is, you know, good science. It’s saying “Scientifically, we cannot pinpoint when alcohol consumption becomes problematic or becomes likely to result in fetal damage, so the precautionary principle

Oh lord. You really have not an idea what you’re talking about here.

I think if you are going to make a conscious decision to have a child then maybe you shouldn’t drink. This is why people need adequate access to birth control and abortion. But once you make that decision you have to acknowledge that your choice affect another human being and you are responsible for that.

They can’t do a study because it would be unethical to put pregnant ladies in a drinking and non-drinking group. And the full NYT article talks about how gathering evidence after the fact is difficult because moms don’t want to participate and self-report their levels/times of drinking. So the CDC has to err on the

I really don’t understand the resistance to science here. Alcohol reaches your baby and their developing liver at the same concentration that it reaches your brain. If you are buzzed, your baby is trying to metabolize it with their tiny organs.