
Absolutely spot on. She also didn’t try to make herself heard amidst the initial social media noise - it’s like she waited juuuust long enough to reroute the spotlight.

I see that Diane Keaton is taking the Lena Dunham approach to things.

I’m baffled she said “It has become clear to me that by not saying anything, I might be adding to the anguish of many courageous women and men.” Uh, but you HAVE been saying something. You haven’t been silent you’ve actively defended him.

Of course it’s not genuine. She worked with Polanski too. I think she’s just figured out what an ugly look this was for her and is backtracking.

But according to Kate, Dylan has “the smallest of voices” with her NYT piece, her Twitter and her CBS interview. She’s like a tiny, lil’ mouse. Kate just couldn’t hear her!

Nah. She’s too late. The ship has sailed. Bye girl.

A day late, and a quid short, Kate.

Significantly less than 50% of the US population currently gets their period. Yet, lots of stores sell tampons.

I felt a little squicky about that, too, until realizing she’d never be speaking about it all without her family’s consent. At the tour show, she had a long monologue before singing “Joanne”, explaining that it’s a song about generational pain, about how a tragedy that happened even before you are born can play a

Basically, you’re saying “My music-penis is bigger and veinier than your music-penis.”

Sadly, he was still abusing women until a week before he was arrested. When she testified, the last victim was still receiving bills for his “services” in August 2016.

watch the show. they have a lot more self awareness/ wit than you’d glean from just reading articles about them.

Is “I have a hot eastern European wife” the new “my girlfriend goes to another school, you don’t know her....”?

They could have just said no. The way I see it, they started it and kinda seem like jerks.

He can die mad about it.

The pieces of his letter that she read into the record were incredible. This dude thinks he’s the victim. He actually used the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

“Even when you have emotionally blocked energy, the best way to remove it is to remove it with love, and then replace it with God’s divine love. Love heals and allows you to continue to grow.”

I’m not having a go at you, but I’ve seen this repeated a few times - that the actresses essentially chose to sleep with Weisntein in order to get roles. But really, they slept with (or did whatever with) Weinstein because if they didn’t, they would not only not get that particular role, but they might never get

Now playing

That new thing The Mash Report also had a pretty good pisstake of the “male confusion” over what now does or doesn’t constitute sexual harassment (the male presenter was clearly left in the dark as to what was going to happen).

The current president ran his entire campaign about how shitty America was.