
See: Trump voters

Well then why don’t you go do those important things and fuck off.

I honestly think she could have been murdered last night and people’s tone wouldn’t be much different. Just more of the same crass jokes and more allegations that it’s all a publicity stunt. I’m very grossed out and disappointed by Jez today.

Yes, a bike. Have you been to Paris? It’s a very bike-friendly city. I have no doubt that someone who planned in advance could get away much faster using a bike rather than a huge van by using back alleys and one-way streets.

That is hardly representative of what Kim looked like at any point.

Wow. The meltdowns, the whining, the self-victimizing are the exact same.

Keep in mind there is like zero chance this is actually true. The Game is making the rounds on talk shows and picking fights with Meek Mill to promote his new album by getting his name in the press. This is so transparent and yet people fall for it...

I agree. IDC if it’s ~problematic~ I will always and forever side-eye large age gaps.

Lol at him pointing out he’s a non-US citizen to drum up some sympathy. Yeah, he’s not American- he’s Canadian. A poor, oppressed, can’t-help-it-if-he-sexually-harasses Canadian.

It’s a few long-timers for sure. Like one commenter who comments every day and frequently has highly-starred comments having the balls to directly tell a trans commenter they’re wrong about transphobia. Definitely not a high point for Jez.

TIL the electromagnetic spectrum has a conservative bias.

Maybe he does, it would explain a lot. I really hope he and Chyna don’t end on bad terms because he’ll probably go back to how he was before, or maybe even worse.

It wasn’t done on TV. They talked about it later on the show, but it’s not like the therapists went in there Dr Drew style with a camera crew.

I completely agree! I get kid of annoyed when people talk about Rob like he’s a victim. His family has done a lot for him; I realize he was dealing with depression but it seemed like he really didn’t even care to try at all. I remember when Khloe hired a really expensive, top of the line team of therapists to come

Rob did go to college though. He went to USC for business. If he couldn’t take an expensive education and family connections and parlay that into a successful independent career well.... Some people just don’t have drive.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, but many music experts would disagree with you. She was listed as one of Rolling Stone’s greatest songwriters of al time. I’d encourage you to listen to her full albums, especially Red and Speak Now.

I think you overestimate how much the natives are thinking about you.

And yet there you are, eagerly and dedicatedly commenting on them on basically EVERY article published about them. Give it a rest :/

The woman card line though!!!

Hillary Duff is so stunning. I’m going to do my makeup like hers in that photo tomorrow.