
They are all chads, or chodes.

The ugly one, no, the other ugly one, you know what, I can’t tell them apart but all of them is a better chance at figuring it out.

I mean, you can easily make a Rule 34 of Bowsett.

This southern fucking republican piece of shit GOP looks like the same shit who would cry other people to have an abortion but if it’s his mistress, it’s a special case.

Just Subpoena her lying piece of shit ass. Get her ass behind a CAGE forever.

Go fuck your mother.

Go fuck yourself you fucking bitch.

It’s so much full of fail like the people who wants it and erected it.

That person you’re responding to is a gun-nut. It keep telling lies.

Go fuck yourself.

The police union is racist as the police, they give two shits about a child, especially, a child of color.

They can only try to fuck her figuratively while thinking they got something on her literally.

Go fuck yourself.

White women is complicit in this shit no different than White men.

I am doing an 80's reference.

She doesn’t do shit. Thanks for playing.

I’ll buy that for a dollar.

Abuse is abuse, no way to explain it away by stating repression is their reasoning for ABUSING A FUCKING CHILD.

Vinegar based liquid hot sauce is not even the same as dry non-liquid spices.

Problem is that at 18, there is so much shit they have to do, school, work, study, etc that it is barely on their radar since there is real shit for their day to day to think about the bigger picture that is voting.