
You’re playing the gas station area all wrong, you can literally avoid the first zombie and leave the station without a use of a bullet and full health. There are videos out there that shows paths and moves that can help you do it. Use those resources.

If I have a line you will step, you will know the moment of the words “What is the matter with you?, Do you even know what you’re saying right now?”

Also to add, I love that fact that her nephew or son is over their to fight for the reasons of why you refuse to stand for the flag or not aware of the reason you stand for the flag but will fight for your rights to do so while his aunt or mom is the one missing both sides of the point in which she made a stupid

Yeah, they could go the way of how Logitech started up, with gaming and gaming console accessories to pc accessories and is an actual physical pc accessories competitor against other brands that I see that has disappeared and is either stocked with Logitech and Microsoft Specific items in the keyboard and mouse

All I know is they been selling like fire in BB than in their own Mysterious store.

I just think they went way ahead of what their brand is selling. They should be selling in other stores and start building from the ground up.

So much impotent rage.

All I know is that they have a section in Best Buy in the gaming section, a brick and mortar store? Who would have known.

I would have said, “Do I have magic powers now? Since when did you learn I have the power to change the tides and move the earth because my parents would be shocked that I have that much power over things I give two shits about.”

he said, “Well you can always go back, because I came here from Cuba and the day I feel I’m not welcome here anymore I would find another place to live.” She added, “Then I had to call the office because I did not want to continue dealing with him.”

We all would rather defend a victim than actively attack the victim before the facts.

It’s not hard to buy a firearm from a private seller...because there aren’t literal laws to state so...

Let them burn

Only thing that needs to die is those people who calls themselves that.

He blames the people who created the movie of them not selling it to him well enough but someone pitching him a cowboy fighting a mechanical spider is a better idea than the experimental shit that The Matrix would have done for him..... Ok sore loser.

Any adult who has millions of followers from kids on youtube should be monitored of what they are watching.


And yet she isn’t charged a hate crime for racism, she is inspiring to white america.

All I know is that for the people who think is great and bitch about their tax return, I will just state the fact that you contributed your taxes towards the wall, “HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE WALL NOW?!!!”

All or most of these high end designer labels are racist, I just find it funny that rappers and other poc representing it and shouting out the high end shit they own while the company is making money of the backs of those they are being racist towards.