
I’ve faceplanted twice in my life. Once on ice, and once at a pool on the slick surface. My face certainly never looked like that, although I did chip my front teeth at the pool. The ice incident did not result in any injuries at all other than to ego. She had to have been forcibly accelerated to the ground, instead

I live in the Bay Area. I know someone who got plastered, crashed her car into a Safeway, and then tried to punch the arresting cop. And yet somehow was none worse for wear after the whole thing. This is beyond unnecessary.

I’m sure some of them do!

People have gotten fired for twitter posts on seemingly anonymous handles though. You can still get found out.

That makes tons of sense! Thank you!

Dumb question: do higher ISOs on dSLRs still look grainy? I thought that was just a property of higher ISO film and all changing the ISO on a dSLR does is change the light sensitivity... why would it still produce graininess?

I deliberately went for the common bottled beers in that region, too, because I was quite skeptical they’d have whatever. I think I actually asked for a Sam Adams instead of Guiness now that I think about it. I suppose they were assuming that anyone who goes into that bar wants Miller Lite obviously, but burlesque

Yes! Her car. And I bet she drives some kind of enormous gas guzzling Canyonero.

Hm, with double the veggies and a cheese slice that would probably work. But a slice of tomato, a pickle, and lettuce on a bun... no.

My favorite BK thing was when I asked for the veggie burger (do they still have those?) and they gave me a burger with no patty.

The beer refill one made me think of this time I was at this super divey bar to see a burlesque show. The waitress comes over and asks me what I want. There is no drink menu. I ask what they have. The following ensues (feel free to make fun of my taste in beer):
W: Whatever you’d like.
Me: Oberon please.
W: We don’t have

Yeppers. I’m a vet and had these kinds of god, guns, and horses people in my class. It’s part of the reason I’m so upset by this - it’s bringing back memories of seething while they talked about hating cats and how stupid it is to spend money to do chemo on a pet. But even they aren’t this hateful. I don’t think.

I was being a bit deliberate with the horse thing - she’s clearly a horsey person and did an internship at a fancy equine hospital after vet school. But you’re right, it’s not her horse’s fault it has a shitstain rider.


The difference is you don’t gloat like a crazed psycho over the animals that make up your food and clothing.

If you’re worried about your vet not liking cats, go to a cat only clinic. Or bring them to me, the crazy cat lady.

You know, and I say this as an insane cat lover, I can deal with people thinking it’s ok to kill feral cats. I can deal with people have different views on animal and not thinking animal life is worth much. I hate it but I can wrap my mind around it. I can even deal with the smiling giraffe chick. But the shit eating

My vet school debt was $177k at time of graduation... she graduated later AND went out of state. I estimate $300k at least. And then laugh my ass off.

Speaking as an insane cat lady - if this was just some yahoo redneck, I’d have rolled my eyes, had a rage-moment, and moved on with my life. But she is a VET. She is someone who has taken an oath to do no harm to animals!!!!! I’m trying really hard to contain myself and say she doesn’t deserve to have her entire life

I hate being an angry crier. I always want to scream “I’m crying because I’m ANGRY ok!!!!”