
I saw that and was like "If you're calling Wai-Ching ugly we're gonna have to take this outside!" Then I read the text and phew. I got married in one of her dresses too. I was scared to drop $1k on something I couldn't try on or return, and then it was even more beautiful than I expected. She is freaking amazing.

I think that's way uglier than the first one.

Yes, and the instructors pushed me too. It might have been better if I wasn't going multiple days in a row but they encourage that. Really, they should have said "we're sorry but this is not for you." It's not for everyone the way they say it is. It's not "universally scalable." And hell, I used to lift on my own with

I was at a "box" that put emphasis on good form and still ended up injured to the point I've been on the couch for a year now.

I live in the SF Bay area, and between that and crushing student loans, my paycheck goes about as far as I can throw it. The wind blows it back in my face.

Because some people really enjoy living in cities. And there's a lot of those people. The reason it costs so much to live there is basic supply and demand.

I've been with my husband for 9 years total and have made him zero sandwiches. I don't even know how we've lasted this long.

Ok I get it now :D

Not sure. If you're making a self harm joke, it's not cool in these parts. If you're quoting a movie I'm missing the reference. But no, dear god, I'd make better rocket scientist than waitress. Those people have my utmost respect.

I don't work in the restaurant business, but where I work we have lower-level employees quit on the spot with some regularity and higher level employees turn over frequently with proper notice. I have nowhere to go unfortunately. But what's driving me insane is the ownership not seeing what the problem is and that

I've worked as a server and I'm not following it. But I only lasted two months and quit because I had a nervous breakdown. That's my "cool story bro" about waitressing.

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

The sticking tongue out face kind of gives it away :P

I'm really hoping for that. It's the only way I'll watch the last two movies.

All food should be served at all times, like at Denny's. Don't tell me when to eat what, fast food chains!

Hey, I'm all for this. I'm still bitter about the time I wanted chicken nuggets at 3 am after I got off work, and I couldn't get chicken nuggets because the 24 hr McDonald's started serving breakfast at 3 am. Eating particular foods at particular times of day is a social construct. Give me my chicken nuggets.

I suddenly want to go to one of these pop concerts just for the spectacle. But it's hard to justify the ticket price, and I'd have to go by myself since everyone in my life would think I'm nuts. Cirque du Soleil is better anyway, right?

I've definitely fantasized about getting hit by a car and being sent to the hospital so I don't have to go to work. When it gets bad enough, I want someone to get me disabled enough to qualify for the California state disability insurance payout. I think I could even pay off my student loans on that. My knee injury

It is legit. I went to one of their classes and they had us run in socks. And then put our shoes back on. And is that a New Balance logo on the website?

I really hate Self and Shape. I used to read a lot of those ladymags when I was younger, and I never found Cosmo to really make me feel bad - it was mostly clothes and celebrities and hairstyles I don't have energy for and ridiculous lol-worthy sex tips. I had fun reading it. Self and Shape and similar seemed to be