
It sounds like he's the one who doesn't want her to come along. Also sounds like it's a long term program, not a month abroad type of thing. Months apart is one thing, years apart is another.

Yeah, I don't get this. I've only been a bridesmaid once, and what you describe there was about it. My maid of honor kept asking me what she needed to do, and I was like "uh, walk down the aisle on the music cue?" She did get mad that I assumed she knew she had to give a toast - she didn't. Not actually for real mad,

"friend zone" is what these guys refer to when they initiate a friendship with a girl in the hopes of getting into her pants, and it turns out she only wants to be friends and is not interested in a sexual relationship. Hence, they are stuck in the "friend zone".

I think being "nice" is necessary but not sufficient. I want nice people to date, be friends with, and work with, but they need to bring something else to the table.

When I did the online dating thing, I got really irritated by the number of profiles that said "no mental illness please" or something to that effect. On the other hand, it was a helpful filter.

As long as you're asking questions. 95% of the email I got from match.com was "You are so hot, now let me tell you all about myself". Delete. I gotta say topless pics are a huge turnoff for me, but if it's working for ya, roll with it.

This must have all been dismissed from someone else's subthread, because that url shows nothing. I can't find it just clicking around either.

lol... that really was kind of unnecessarily mean spirited, wasn't it?

Interesting. I stopped watching the show around the time of the Robin and Barney breakup because I really hated what they did with that relationship and the characters. And then they go and get married.

I have to wonder how much of it being too afraid to break up and lose the security of the present relationship for the unknown. I know several people with a history of overlapping their relationships, and it almost seems like they're taking the next person for a test drive but want to still have the previous person

Hah, in my case it really was because my boyfriend broke up with me and they all kept trying to find a deeper cause in my childhood and family life.

Cats frequently seem to be treated as second class citizens and somehow inferior to dogs. I see it a lot and it makes me incredibly upset :(

Forgetting an obvious one here. Work. Preferably for extra pay. I think I've worked 80% of Christmases in my adult life, and I think I was actually required to only once. I'd rather have a different day off.

Exactly - it's the scientists that put out those press releases. I doubt the NBC reporters or Jez reporter actually stumbled upon the study in PLoS or whereever it was published, read it, and then interpreted it. The rephrasing for public consumption begins at the source.

Meh, io9 makes similar leaps of logic all the time, and they really like to speculate on outlandish future implications of one small experiment.

characters played by Sean Bean are NEVER safe!

Probably never, especially given some works just don't want to fall into one category or another - Dune and Pern novels, for example. And it's all stuff that's made up, whether it claims a basis in reality or not. I just call it all "speculative fiction" and subcategorize into "spaceship stuff", "dragon stuff", and

I'll bite on this one because I do think about it a lot and think it's a legitimately "gray area" (flame away). Here's the thing though: being drunk does not absolve you of a crime and is not a legal defense. So if the drunk woman is saying no, no means no, and she was raped. In scenario 1, everyone is happy and there

What about a person who is really into film theory and history and criticism? One of my friends has a boyfriend who's doing a PhD in cultural studies, and he totally gets to call movies his hobbies even though he doesn't make them. I have another friend who has seen so many movies and knows so much about them, I think

I agree wholeheartedly with your last sentence but sometimes you just CAN'T without career suicide. I've seen people stuck in three year training programs with a nightmare of a supervisor and there options were to give up their dreams or become brilliant at kissing ass.