Elin Krantz learned the hard way

People who feed pigeons in NYC deserve to catch this too.

That thread is my favorite thing

Greetings, lurker! Why don’t you pull up a Clashtalk chair and stay awhile?

It’s wierd how all of the “F*ck yeah, Murica!” people are now pro-russia and pro-hitler.

People with a mindset stuck in the 14th Century cannot live with the rest of us. But Merkel will rather sue Facebook for hate speech then save their own citizens from terrorists.

... You can’t be serious.

You dont watch the news much, huh?

That’s constructive. I’m sure the world will be changed for the better with that mindset.

Ah, the power of receipts! Tilda served facts and instantly saved herself from being wrongly characterized. Friends, this is why gossip has rules. Marge could have felt as if Tilda wanted her umbrella held, but is always dangerous to alter the setting to force others into your own interpretation. Implying phone vs.

I hope everyone who posted histrionic comments about Tilda Swinton’s racism and privilege two fucking hours ago on the previous post goes back and deletes them now.

Granted, Margaret exploited the situation both for its comedic value and for its social import. Except that Tilda was being perfectly open and receptive to input, so Margaret is mostly being an asshole.

I REALLY REALLY hate Cho. She is an asian Amy Schumer, execept even MORE unfunny

Or Cho is a lying hack and tried to get the spotlight put on her?

OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

Well one thing seems clearer now: Tilda was responding to Margaret’s request that she ought to produce a film with Asian actors by saying she was doing just that, as opposed to how it was represented in the previous article as if it was a deflection of culpability in the classic “I have a friend who is Black so I

Soooo....Margaret Cho completely misrepresented that whole conversation. It seems like Swinton was trying to learn and be open and admit she lacked answers on a lot of key questions....and Cho’s later comments are completely contradictory to the conversation she had with Swinton and discourages people who want to

now that i’ve read margaret and tilda’s conversation, i have to wonder if margaret did as well.

Dumb. Taking shit out of context STILL does not make Swinton racist in this case.

It bears repeating the previous article’s rather pragmatic top post on this whole calamity: