
This may have be the matchup we’ve been waiting for, but Ohtani pitching to Colon is the one we deserve.

When trump fires mueller republicans will do jack shit. They are over here, out of the side of their mouths, whispering to trump don’t do it! But they won’t lift a finger to protect the investigation. I’m just hoping that there are demonstrations when it happens

Just hit the God damned ball Chris. $161 million doesn’t mean you have to hit .161 for the life of the deal.

Inject this straight into my eyeball, please.

The important thing is that he didn’t act like Anthony Rendon and show up the umpire.

Sounds like my first date.

Has anyone ever tried the bat-over-the-knee thing and failed? That would be pretty much my favorite thing ever.

From a lawyer’s perspective it’s pretty jaw dropping. For them to get a warrant for documents that are presumed to be privileged, they need to make a pretty compelling showing that the privilege doesn’t apply because the lawyer is helping his client commit a crime or a fraud. I’m so freaking excited.

WaPo now reporting Cohen being investigated for bank fraud and campaign finance violations.

Other people have pointed out that it is addressed, and I’ll admit it’s a decently clever solution.

That’s addressed.

It’s also pretty shitty for them to use Lisa, who has always been a stand-in for the social justice-inclined, to complain about political correctness. It’d be like having a new Lord of the Rings where Frodo extols the virtue of holding on to earthly riches and power.


True. More than any other in the show, Battle of the Bastards relied on real-life mobs of men just throttling each other in the mud, trampling on top of one another, etc. It’s the only battle that didn’t involve some CGI’ed element of fantasy. There were no dragons, no zombies, no green fiery stuff... just men and

I’ll allow anyone else to gently correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel relatively safe in asserting that your dislike of Battle of the Bastards places you on island of one, or at least one of Greenland-esque population density. It’s regarded by critics and fans alike as the best in the show’s history, not to mention one

The scripts and plotting could definitely use some work, but I want the battles to be good regardless (although I’m personally not too fond of “battle of the bastards”).

Just pictured Arya threatening to kill someone on the subway for manspreading.

It’s not uncommon to shoot an entire movie in less than 55 days. And most television shows shoot in the ballpark of 7-10 days per episode. I don’t know what GOT’s normal shooting schedule is, but this is an order of magnatude beyond what’s “usual”.

I’m a Rockets fan and could watch the step back threes all day, but the drives are fucking infuriating when he makes absolutely no attempt to score. People forget that at least half the time he isn’t playing for contact because those are just boring layups that go in without much fanfare, but I totally get why the

It’s the league’s fault because they keep falling for it. Harden is just pulling the old business adage, every little detail.