
That’s not what connotative means.

Yep, this sounds an awful lot like they were trying to decide who they could sue, and happened upon an uppity colored fella who’s been speaking his mind a bit too much.

And as others have noted: a 66-year-old paraplegic security guard?! Securing who from what? Call me insensitive, but that sounds like the opening of a

He didn’t just attack her, he went full Alex Jones on her. He went on and on, spewing hateful, deranged nonsense. What a piece of shit.

I feel it necessary to point out that it is entirely possible that more voters means more votes for King. I’d like to think otherwise, but we do have a representative government. Does, say, Mitch McConnell represent the values of his constituents? You bet your ass he does.

That said, King is legitimately crazy. I look

Give Zinke a break. He’s all about diversity. He’s stocked his staff with representatives of oil companies AND mining companies.

Still one of my favorite places in the world. Goosebumps.

I hate to be “that guy”, but your lede photo is actually from the State Department.

There was a Starbucks in the Forbidden City in Beijing, but it didn’t last very long. If they are able to navigate the notorious bureaucracy of China, slipping a few bills in Zinke’s pocket to get into an American national park is

You went to Yosemite and didn’t expect tourists, at one of the most beautiful places in the world? It’s not a conference hall at the Motel 6 that you can reserve and have all to yourself. I always laugh at the irony of a tourist complaining about too many tourists.

Almost great book. Typically overlong Dan Simmons, but a fun read.

Based on this one incident, I think it’s safe to say all Muslims are bad. Why can’t they be good Christians, like Roy Moore?

I’m in Cambodia, where there’s something called the virginity trade. There is a belief that taking a girl’s virginity increases a man’s virility. The younger the girl, the bigger the boner. Parents will sell their daughter’s virginity for a few hundred dollars. The purchaser is allowed to rape the girl for days. The

I would encourage you to break away from this thread and read about the Muslim separatists in southern Thailand. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that the country with the most Muslims is Indonesia.

Fundamentalists of all stripes are the same. Different book, different headgear, same crazy shit.

How dare you insert shades of grey into a conversation I desperately want to be black and white. All Muslims are bad because I want them to be, dang it!

Worse. Trump.

If I’m reading this correctly, you aren’t terribly fond of Duke. Wow. Groundbreaking stuff. So edgy.

Do tell me more about this supposedly liberal media I hear so much about. Why is this cardboard cutout of a Republican on TV? He is dumb as a bag of hams and hasn’t been in office since 2007. Since then all he’s done is launched failed election bids. Let’s remember he wasn’t just voted out of office, he was

File under “unclear on the concept”.

She has as much sway over her father as I do.

Heh. As if he knows who she is.