No, and we don’t care. It’s an opportunity to criticize a middle-class white kid. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY.
No, and we don’t care. It’s an opportunity to criticize a middle-class white kid. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY.
Sure, blame the teenager for pointing out systemic racism in corporate media. WHAT HAS HE DONE TO HELP THE ROHINGYA?
Please do explain how it’s the same thing.
I’m sure a white, middle-class kid calling himself Kunta Kinte would have gone over like gangbusters.
It is the duty of every TRUE MURCAN PATRIOT to vote for someone who is kinda-sorta from the same party, but not really.
The first priority of any politician is getting re-elected.
I disagree. I will vote for a candidate who agrees with my political philosophy down to the minutest detail. If they disagree with me on any point in any way, I will vote for the candidate that represents everything I stand against. IT’S CALLED LOGIC, LIBTARDS.
You could just read the Bible. LEARN TO REED, MORANS. “And lo, so sayeth the Lord, that wheresoever goeth a bad man with a gun, yea he shall find a good man with a gun, who shall smiteth him, and then retireth to the company of other good men with guns for happy hour at Fat Tony’s Titty Bar and Wings”.
And we know the original Bibles were written in English decades ago, by Jesus and Ronald Reagan.
You can’t spell, to borrow a line from a nutjob co-worker of mine, CORPORATE STATIST GLOBALIST WHORE without Clinton.
As an American I have to wonder how this bit of wisdom applies to me. Congrats on learning the alphabet, tho.
I wasn’t aware this was being debated. If there’s an upside to bringing him back, can someone please enlighten me. Irving is hurt and they’re not getting past LeBron with or without Fultz. (Raise your hand if you fear Toronto... Didn’t think so.)
My boss played the “equally bad candidates” card again yesterday and railed about the liberal media. I’m a teacher. She’s a principal. You expect this shit from the inbred hillbillies that gave us Mitch McConnell, but she has a doctorate.
Lawyers are like Olympic gymnasts. It’s all about the degree of difficulty.
Trump has stated repeatedly that there’s NO COLLUSION, which can only mean one thing: We can add “collusion” to the list of “shit Trump doesn’t understand”.
You show how little you know, libtard. Obviously you’re too poor to afford furniture handmade from rhino horn and panda fur. Get a job, morans.
Bolton is literally evil, dumb as a box of hammers and as proudly ignorant as Trump. I’ll take Satan.
It’s like the Fasterer and Furiouserer franchise. I think we’re on Enduring Enduring Freedom: Freedom Endures.
Bolton may actually be a worse person than Trump, if such a thing is even possible. Like his boss, he is a seething ball of hatred, stupidity and ignorance. He is legitimately crazy, not in the “oho, what a character” way, but in a “kids, go to your room, lock the door and hide under the bed” way. With a psycho like…
I’ll play along. What would qualify as sufficient evidence in this case?