
Isn’t treason also punishable death? I sincerely hope we find out.

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and

If you’ve been reading the political news, you’ll know that native Australians are white people. With all the various crises going on around the world, the Aussie government is mulling a fast-track immigration option for ... white South African farmers.

I would not be surprised one bit if some self-described mafia type decided to Second Amendment her to death. I would not be surprised to find that someone in Trump’s circle paid for the hit. I have long since given up trying to imagine how far down rock bottom is for these mafiosos.

Heh. Dignity is sooooo 2016. Seriously, as I’ve said in other comments, the US will stumble along as a geopolitical entity, but the idea of America is dead.

“How much NRA money is worth my life?”
Any amount, really.

The people you describe generally don’t end up as Leader of the Free World. My father’s Marine Coors Coeur Cure (ah fuck it) buddies in WWII were Skitch, Squirrel and Nickels.

I get choked up thinking about it. All I can say is ... covfefe.

He succesfully Scotch tapes his tie every morning, successfully maintains white rings around his eyes inside his pumpkin-colored face, and kills a 12-pack of Diet Coke every day. Hater....

It’s worse than that. It’s not about politics, ideology, religion, education, economics or even race. These are fundamentally damaged people. If you wish ill fortune and even death on total strangers, you are a broken soul. If your first reaction to a school shooting is DERNT TEK ER GERNS!!! you are, as psychiatrists

Now playing

The only other thing we’re good at is bombing brown people.

The US will continue to stumble along as a geopolitical entity but the idea of America is dead. When people are wishing ill fortune and death on total strangers and then celebrating when it happens, Pandora’s box has been opened. Before the election I said that even if Clinton won in a landslide, it would still be one

Vanessa Trump filed for divorce on the grounds that he’s Donald Fucking Trump.

Yeah, in the constant torrent of outrages we have lost sight of the fact that dipshit already admitted to collusion. I don’t know if The Meeting — in Trump Tower, FFS — was actionable, but in non-legalese, meeting with Putin’s henchmen to get dirt on Clinton is a pretty good working definition of the word.

Divorce is the only legitimate thing Trump has experience with.

Ahem. As the Tweeter in Chief would say, it’s unpresidented.

To put this in context, he’s a 71 y.o. man with dementia and the IQ of a kumquat. He is the oldest president-elect ever, but hey, ‘member when the supposedly LIBRUL RAGS made stories out of Clinton’s age, health and appearance?

And thus the Trumpanzees are trumpeting that Lamb won because of Trump. Ah well. I’m actually here to talk about LeBron James, my favorite female Ukrainian gymnast.

It wasn’t so long ago that Gonzaga was the “Cinderella”. Now Gonzaga is the powerhouse nearly toppled by the scrappy mid-major. College basketball rulz.

We see the Curry Effect here. When I was a lad, we’d work for a “good” shot. Here, he pulls up from 25 feet out with a teammate wide open inside the arc. I frickin’ love March Madness.

Anyhoo, who is Alabama going to play for the national championship in football this year?