
I’m tempted to think that her “singing” is all just post-production and that there may not be a whole lot of talent there...

I can’t seem to find it on Google, but I seem to remember a guy was busted for not drinking during a game.

‘Member when EMPRURR OBUMMER was going to take all your guns and impose Shakira law?

When my gun nut friends were stockpiling weapons because they believed Obama was going to knock on their door and take them with his cold, brown hands, I told them, if the government wants your guns, they’re going to take your fucking guns. You and Billy Jim Bob Jr. aren’t going to hold off the US military. These are

You don’t want that. The “militias” would have a field day. A white guy can walk into a daycare center with an AR-15. A black guy will get shot reaching for a pack of gum.

I’ve been making more or less this same point for years, and as you can see, the results have been ... less than promising. The Second Amendment was absolutely, positively NOT written to ensure the rights of private citizens to own guns. The current (mis)understanding of it is a deliberate misreading rammed through

So the only, um, celebrity they could get to speak at the RNC is a Z-list, um, actor who, it turns out, is apparently a child molester? Yep. Sounds about right. Dante was off by a few powers of ten when he conceived the circles of Hell.

There’s a word for someone who makes blanket statements about people based on their gender.... It slips my mind. I’m guessing you didn’t bother to read any of the other comments, because a keen observer would note the number of men expressing their outrage and disgust.  

My guess is that Carl’s Jr. or some other member of the oligarchy will get a massive government contract. I would be surprised if any thought whatsoever has been given to the delivery mechanism.

Yep. They’re going to give a massive government contract to Carl’s Jr. or some other oligarch. Yet another example of trickle-up economics.

Just a friendly reminder that, aside from being a foaming-at-the-mouth racist rolling back 150 years of civil and human rights, Jefferson Beauregard was one of the first to be outed for being in cahoots with the Russkies. His skeleton should be dangling in the breeze at the end of a rope beneath a gallows, but instead

And who would produce these meals... I wonder if anyone in the White House has a friend/donor who might make a shit-ton of money off of this?

France has an official language. The US does not.

Heh. Legal jargon is latin. Habeus corpus, nolo contendere, etc. If it was English, we wouldn’t need lawyers. Bad example.

Fun fact: The US does not have an official language. Unlike the Netherlands.

Reading sucks. There’s, like, too many words.
(H/T to Beavis & Butt-head)

Well played, using the “slippery slope” fallacy in a comment about an activity on ice.

This is the kind of post that gives bloggers a bad name. I’m going to rant about something I don’t understand! I didn’t see the competition and figure skating judging is notoriously unpredictable. Having said that, “degree of difficulty” is fairly self-explanatory. And there’s always Google. Taken to an extreme, using