
Exactly. He makes Pence squirm. When Pence lies awake in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, instead of imagining Mother, he’s imagining Rippon in Mother’s bed, in Mother’s room down the hall. Seriously, it would be so much easier for all involved if he would just come out of the closet. If Pence isn’t gay I will

There’s only one solution. BUILD THE WALL. His name is Kareem, so I think it’s safe to assume he’s a black mooslem TURRIST who HATES AMERICA.

The recidivism rate for domestic abusers clearly indicates that if a man commits domestic abuse, he will do it again.

As a man, I can speak on behalf of all men, and yes, the goal of every single man is to damage society. I’m glad we cleared that up. Now I’m going to go bomb some brown people.

Thanks. This is helpful.

Pruitt is the most dangerous of the swamp monsters, along with Zinke, because the damage he’s doing can’t be undone. We can’t un-raze a mountain or un-pollute a lake or un-gut a national park. As with the rest of the administration, much of what he’s doing is just plain mean. It’s truly disturbing how much joy they

I’m a former computer geek, and this strikes me as a developer trying to find a way to justify his paycheck. People really like the stars. I’ll take them away! Then everyone will complain, and I’ll put them back.! That way they’ll have to keep me around even longer!

I love the website and especially the comments, but

Harbaugh is turning into the Rex Ryan of CFB.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you don’t know any French words.

The entire continent of Africa is often perceived as developing when, in reality, it’s a rich land of kings and queens.

I suggest you travel a bit. This is embarrassing.

I think people were more in love with the idea of WW than the movie itself. I enjoyed the movie but it was, um, problematic. It would have been unremarkable without the supernatural charisma of Gal Gadot. So I guess that makes me a sexist, eh?

I haven’t even seen this yet but I am excited for the sequel, “Black Panther 2: The Backlash”.

There is a disturbingly large slice of the population that is positively salivating at the prospect of a liberal genocide (sic). I think they’re almost sad Trump won, because they were so looking forward to having an excuse to shoot brown people.

It’s good to wear emotional support steel-toed boots around emotional support spiders. 

First, let me say I am sorry to hear about your family’s experience under the Khmer Rouge. It seems just about every day I meet someone whose family was affected. The country itself is still recovering, and is decades behind the rest of SE Asia. Oh, and the deep, dark secret of Cambodia is that the people who are

Now we can add “treason” to the list of “Shit Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand”.

I’ve been saying this for a year, and there does not appear to be an answer. I remember having this conversation back in those quaint olden days when he was just mocking a disabled reporter.

Yep, there have been plenty of articles about the, um, mentality of Trump voters. Unfortunately, they are all in newspapers that no Trumpanzee would be caught dead reading, if they ever decided to learn to read.

The game came down to the last play.

Yes, but he would have been working in the actual field, not the playing field.

The Patriots scored 33 points and racked up over SIX HUNDRED YARDS of offense. The game came down to the final play and if Brady hadn’t fumbled I’d bet both my kidneys the Pats would have scored on that drive. The narratives coming out of this game are baffling.