
So what you’re saying is that these are unnecessarily wordy and faux-clever ways of expressing simple concepts. Um, yeah... we get that. Sorry to waste your time. Kudos for reaching out, but I’m going to go ahead and put this comment in the circular file.


On the one hand, Izzo and Dantonio are clearly lying and have participated in a system that promotes and then covers up violence against women.

On the other hand, they win a lot of games and make the school a lot of money. So much to sort out...

He’s hosted the show about 800 times, I think for lack of anything better to do. As I said, his Trump is not that good.

I know, right? Don’t act like it’s my fault that your baby looks like an overcooked hot dog. I’m just stating the facts.

Brady was far too nice about this.

Or voted for Trump.

You mean going to a gathering of world leaders, pounding your chest and saying DERP DERP MURCA FIRST isn’t good strategy? Seriously, he truly, deeply doesn’t understand why that was a bad play.

She looks like she detached her lower her jaw to swallow her prey, like a giant python. Sheesh. Sorry. That was out of line. I used to have a pet ball python. I apologize to any pythons who were offended by my comparison.

I was uncomfortable with his “redemption” via his, let’s face it, not terribly good impersonation of Trump. It was only a few years ago that HE was the one famous for vile Twitter rants.

She’s a fat, middle-class, balding, white man in a black woman’s body. She has no discernible skills and yet she keeps failing upwards. She is that most American of phenomena, someone famous for being famous.

Plus, for those commenters on this thread who think that Cormier’s legacy is somehow diminished by losing to serial doper Jon Jones twice, beating a legitimate heavyweight champion would cement his status as an all-time great. I will always remember him picking up Dan Henderson and tossing him across the ring, perhaps

I’m looking forward to him blowing through all his money and wrestling bears between rounds at the local demolition derby.

As long as Betsy DeVos survives. I don’t know who could possibly fill her shoes as Seccertarry of Skool Stuff! What an evil bitch.

I went out of my way to pick two things about the Bible that people “believe” that are demonstrably false. It’s a pity you wasted all those words.

the villain is basically a stand-in for toxic white masculinity

I’m so disappointed you missed the chance to slag him for his religion in addition to his being white and male. He’s not a poorly written caricature, he’s a stand in for <things I hate>!

Or Pan’s Labyrinth starring Abe Sapiens.

I think I have that at #71 on my list of things that bothered me about this movie.

One day we learned that the president had an affair with a porn star and paid her hush money... and the next day the story was gone. Hey, remember when Obama wore a tan suit?

Clearly he doesn’t understand what it means.
“It’s another way of saying we’re going to keep the darkies out, Mr. President.”