
Betances is not at fault because he’s a lousy pitcher and couldn’t hit a batter in the head if he tried? That’s the defense? As others have noted, if you can’t trust a guy to NOT hit a batter in the head, perhaps professional baseball thrower is not the ideal profession. Try using the “I didn’t mean to do it” defense

The Yankees apologists are using the Sheriff Joe response. He said he continued running his concentration camp after he was ordered to stop because he found the ruling “confusing”. To borrow your line, if you don’t stop torturing Latinos after a judge tells you not to you... get pardoned by the President?

I am appalled by the comments from all the Trumpanzees on this thread. I am ashamed to share 15 percent of my DNA with them. People are gleefully wishing ill fortune on total strangers, during a natural disaster, FFS. America will continue to exist as a geopolitical entity but the idea of America is dead. I’ve said it

Traveling alone is the best. I am an introvert, but I have made so many friends traveling alone. If you’re traveling with someone you don’t interact with the people around you.

The full name of the protein Titin has 189,819 characters and takes 3 1/2 hours just to say. I really shouldn’t have made it the password for all my online logins.

The full name of the protein Titin has 189,819 characters and takes 3 1/2 hours just to say. I really shouldn’t have made it the password for all my online logins.

Teddy Roosevelt was a legitimate badass.

Between the knees and shoulders.
Legal, but chickenshit.

I’ve made this comment before, but Trump supporters all look like cruel caricatures of Trump supporters. I can’t believe people like this exist. He belongs in a John Waters movie.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he has some expertise in the area.

Scientists have weighed in on this. The Flat Earth Society, climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers and now eclipse truthers.

To borrow a line from Michael Jordan, racists and Nazis buy shit too.

He was in violation of the Constitution the moment he took office. But if Clinton had won, she would certainly have been impeached by now. The Republicans aren’t a political party, they’re a crime family. All that matters is loyalty.

When will people start to appreciate the contributions soulless gold-diggers make to our economy?

Now playing

Absolutely. When I was studying journalism, we were taught to look for the telling detail, the one item which can give the reader a sense of the person. The ice cream story sums him up perfectly. As does this:

Unrequited :)

Way to bury the led, Jezebel. He’s boycotting the event because the Ken Cen snubbed American troubadour/sage/poet Ted Nugent.

I was bartending at a beach hotel in Ocean City, Maryland. She walked up from the pool to order a drink. She was filming a movie with Tom Selleck at the time. I said, “I have a poster of a girl who looks just like you.” Remarkably, she did not immediately strip down and demand I make savage love to her.

I’ve been using Kim Jong Trump but I think Donny Two Scoops captures his pathetic, petty nature better. Bravo.