eli friedmann

Something I think is great about this season is that I can almost smell how bad Elizabeth must reek. I mean, she looks like she’s a cloud of cigarette smoke now, her hair is a bit scraggly and she’s lost a good 10 pounds (well, 5 pounds since Keri Russell is so tiny already). You can tell how much this is getting to

Surprise, surprise, the AV Club’s #1 concern troll takes issue with calling out concern trolls.

She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.

you can see on her face that she is thinking about whether she “has” to do it or not. Calculated.

And swirling the knife a bit in the brain for good measure. Yeegadz.

Stan seemed so ho-hum when he came by to see Philip and dropped a very non-chalant “two Russian friends were killed” news. On a side note, I noticed they were drinking Molsons. That made me wonder if Molsons were popular in Washington back in the late 80s.

Elizabeth is basically the monster in a horror movie at this point.

I could practically feel my own throat being slit during that one scene!

And his family looks like it’s on the verge of imploding right now.

Ugh, that look on his face when he was in bed with Kimmy was awful.

Elizabeth did actually start making for the window to get out of there when she realized the wife was home. She only attacked when the husband saw she was behind the door. But with Elizabeth, it’s likely that was only because of the logistics of a 2nd person being able to call for help and alert others to her presence

I could barely watch that scene. Not one for gory killings, and that neck stab sound definitely didn’t help.

Also laughed out loud at Philip’s incredulous “What?!?” when Paige declares her mom doesn’t get to tell her who she should and shouldn’t sleep with after their tense sparring session.

Based on the preseason promos, there are some bodies found in what looks like it could be a safe house. At this point thats got to be the defector hockey star and family.

I listened to the slate podcast on the show. The creators mention that i as literally pitch black too. Intentional shooting out of the lights, you don’t really know what she’s ferociously ripping at. I didn’t put the “caged” in part together until I read your post. Nice one!

Elizabeth is a psychopath who managed to find a (legitimate?) path for her murderous tendencies.

Additionally, in the highlights of upcoming episodes, it looks like Paige will be involved in some kind of serious criminal activity. From the clips, I’m guessing that something will go wrong with that date and the intern will confront her; possibly he may pressure her sexually or maybe catch her snooping through his

I don’t think she is “salvageable” at this point. And I think it’s going to end ugly, if this episode is anything to go off of.

Reading this recap and then reading your post, I just got a sinking feeling that Paige is going to die. I don’t have any reasoning to support this hunch, beyond that it would be the ultimate tragedy and would be the type of event that would irrevocably tear Philip and Elizabeth apart.

True. But the question remains whether they’ll be trying to salvage their souls free or behind bars, or if they’ll even be alive to do that at all. Out of all the horrific possible outcomes, I think the worst could possibly be Elizabeth and/or Phillip surviving and not getting caught while Paige gets locked up for