Prime Davis

There are some beautiful suggestions so far. That said, nothing is cooler than a parking garage that guides you to precious open spots. Great job, BWI!

Because what's cooler than viewing your rides from your skyscraper apartment's living room

Dude, I think that's an Audi.

The Mid-Engined Corvette: This Is It

Save 10% or more on gas by plugging this magical device into your cigarette lighter!

I have both the 2001 740il sport (ha ha, sport in the il is a joke - it's mpar's and shadowline) highline and the 2001 750il. There is no difference in repair or reliability. The V12 has no vanos issue, no valley pan issues, no timing chain guide issues that the 740 has. The 750 is an amazing machine. I see you've

Your dad is awesome. A star for hoon lessons.


I don't know man. I don't see a problem here. Looks right side up to me.

rubbing one out... long drive, bored, straight road, figured why not, turns out truckers can see down into your car when they pass, kinda ruins the moment.

Star for detailed pic.


One time I turned my radio on and let Rush Limbaugh complete two sentences.

Is there another way to read it?

On tonight's episode: James has a laugh, Richard has a giggle, and I get eaten by a pack of wild dogs.

Pretty sure deadmau5 is my new favorite celebrity.

You don't want one that cheap.

Not the ones you'd want to fly...

I'd take the redneck over this idiocy.

fuck this truck in the fucking mouth