Prime Davis


Stupid new Georgia license plates.

I know this will be unpopular but..

Rule 34.

I think you grew up in the era of "10 years ago" and are saying this out of nostalgy. IMO the best looking cars were from 1990-1996.

Definitely a DP car.

The most annoying thing is the people saying F1 is F1 and looks are not important. These people are brainwashed to the point they can't realize the cars that looked good 10 years ago were faster than the slow grids of today.

New here? Welcome!

It's a joke, from the video: "I'm pretty sure it's a Lambo, dude."

A Lambo? Come on, man. That's not a Lamborghini.

Pretty sure BMW's "The Hire" series of short films are still online for free on the youtubes.

Thank you, Matt and your awesome staff for a great 2013. I ♥ you guys.


Yes a lot of those are Seb's, but those are Red Bull's trophies in the reception area of their factory.

1.) F&F Tokyo Drift '68 Mustang Skyline
