Look, I have never been a fan of the Greek system but the school punished them for something that never happened.
Look, I have never been a fan of the Greek system but the school punished them for something that never happened.
A timely article for me. I'm currently applying for an intense university degree that will lead to my ideal career. But that will mean probably giving up on the idea of having a 3rd child, something I always wanted. By the time I finish and work long enough to get maternity leave, I'll be oldish, will be a massive gap…
Coming soon: A full-length celebratory biography of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Even better, it'll be co-written by the…
Based on the understanding I already had from the genetic counselors, I have no comprehension why anyone in this situation would have even contemplated aborting before doing an amino. It is made very clear that this is a SCREENING and the diagnostic test is the amino. You do the screening hoping to get reassurance…
I had this test when I was AMA and pregnant with my son. The test was administered by a physician with genetic counseling. The counselor I met with made very clear that the test was a screening test only, NOT diagnostic, and that it would NOT be 100% accurate. She said this repeatedly, explained what it meant, and…
You and I and everyone else both know that if the genders were reversed and people used these faux statistics to stereotype women, there would be mass outcry. They say outright "Men are stupid than women" and then follow it up with "Shocking. Are you feeling faint with surprise? Do you need to have a seat? No?" And…
Quick, is there some ham-fisted and questionable interpretation of your work that would relate it somehow to unlocking the mysteries of dating, sex, and/or weight loss? HERE IS YOUR FAME AND FORTUNE.
Something to keep in mind. Approximately two percent of rape allegations made to police are false, according to various studies, including those cited by the U.S. Department of Justice. It's unknown what percent of rape allegations never reported to police, such as Jackie's, are false. That figure is not the…
Nice sentiment, but having any one type of person in charge of everything doesn't necessarily make things any better. Just like not all men are wise, temperate, and brave, not all women are dedicated, sensible, or strong. Progress is made when we stop relying on societal perceptions (either positive or negative) and…
Jesus fuck, no kidding. They'd have delivered the baby safely, then taken over the galley to make a nourishing pot of stew that would be tasty and sit well in Mom's sensitive tummy. THEN, they would have swaddled the shit out of that little bambino and tucked her right up to mom, providing gentle guidance and…
When in doubt, don't. It is a whole lot of work, to the point that even if you 100% wanted it, you are gonna question your ability to do it constantly.
I'm 35 and still don't know what the hell to do with myself. I have a job that pays well but I'm not enjoying all the shitty travel. I would like to find something closer to home but I don't know where to begin. People keep telling me to do something I enjoy, but that seems like I'd quickly stop enjoying said thing.…
uh greed.
See, I fear that ship might have sailed already. Anything else?
my thoughts exactly...
I've been on the other end of that joke before. We were not on a date, but a group of work people went for a drink and a few of their other friends came and I wound sitting next to some lady I barely knew.
Here's the catch, though: maybe when you have the conversation you're both in the same position (or similar) career wise. Then you (the wife) get pregnant and have awful morning sickness, so you need to take a few sick days. The baby is born and you take maternity leave, which means a couple months at home. You return…
The only way both parents can have driven, successful careers is if there's extensive outside help. Whether that be other family members or nannies, someone has to be there 24/7. If you're expected to be on a conference call at 7am or on a plane to meetings first thing Monday mornings, it's just not possible to also…
I think the problem is that most people don't really know what life is going to be like when they have kids. My husband and I talked about it - I'd take my mat leave with babies and then head back to work. He was working a standard 9-5 job at the time. Fast forward to our first child being a year old. My mat leave was…