How is it that the Supreme Court is aware of Hobby Lobby having previously provided coverage for the very birth control they claim to be so morally against (not to mention their investments and importing from China) and still rule in their favor?
How is it that the Supreme Court is aware of Hobby Lobby having previously provided coverage for the very birth control they claim to be so morally against (not to mention their investments and importing from China) and still rule in their favor?
So in summary (had to break there for a sec) the business models of practice are slow to change, but are changing, and it is changing the way we practice, because it means less autonomy but the hope is that the business aspects are placed in the hands of more capable business people. The problem there is that "capable…
Part of the reason the prices go up is the transition from whole cell/attenuated virus vaccines to acellular/isolated antigen vaccines. It's a fuckload more tedious and expensive to extract specific antigens from pathogens rather than to simply grow a bunch of cells/viruses and then kill the shit out of them. But the…
Coming home "early" at 10pm. By 10pm I'm half passed out on the couch with a book. Something tells me I can never be a CEO
I was ready to side-eye him, but it's clear from the video that he's reading someone else's copy, and it almost comes off as him laughing at the ridiculous shit they wrote up for him to say.
Removing a fibroid is harder than removing the uterus altogether. But for many doctors, I don't think it's a lack of skill so much as an unwillingness to learn.
I asked the wife what she thought based on this story and the linked story:
Look. I have a baby. I get the compulsion to do that. And if that really works for you, great. This is terrifying. But the odds are really on your side here. Every single day is a risk, but harm is more likely to come to your baby in about 10,000 other ways than if you leave him in the car for 10 seconds. Get a grip,…
Well, raising my kids and all the things that go with it are also "things that happen to me as a person." You're an asshole.
I'll just say that if you've never seen a 2-3 year old spontaneously lift up or take off their shirt or dress apropos of nothing, then you have never seen a 2-3 year old.
This is so surreal. I've been working with Ross on some nonprofit projects as of late, and he couldn't be a nicer guy. That child meant the world to him, and he is in absolute hell right now. Please send thoughts of sympathy to him and his family.
I am a lifelong Democrat, I think Benghazi is a wholly fabricated scandal, and I find the Heritage Foundation generally loathsome. I also think that the second panelist made several perfectly legitimate points in her statement — which was impassioned, but not insulting — and that her analogies were perfectly…
And after the Boston bombings:
Since Benghazi was the subject of the discussion, I present you with images of Libyan protestors after the attack in Benghazi.
Running a center myself, we have had "safety measures" fail——-a baby was once left, sleeping in a crib, in the classroom alone (also a miss-communication among staff) which resulted in the parent finding the child alone in the crib, unsupervised. However, the other safety plans in place (Director clearing all…
"See, despite confessing to his assault, the girl, could not testify against him because she and her mother refused to have her medical records released to confirm the girl reporting the abuse to the her therapist to corroborate her testimony, something that was highly disputed, ruled on, reversed, and then ruled upon…
Yes that might sting a bit, but it's still just a mass emailer. It's not like someone was targeting you to poke fun at your situation, y/k? It doesn't seem outrage worthy to me at all.
Oh, no, don't get me wrong— he pisses me off. I'm just giving context to "garbage can" as a term. People seemed more upset about his use of that term than his overreliance on the whole, "people be molested as kids!" canard with every discussion.
I feel so bad for the folks in it. I don't care if the reveal shows she's really Katy Perry - she still ruined some birthdays and scared children.
The crackdown on honey is all a part of the Food and Drug Administration's larger campaign to cut down on unnecessary sugar and corn syrup in food.